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2015/08/07 第267期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 弗羅倫絲.南丁格爾
【本月發燒書】 中西節慶文化英語
【好康情報局】 按部就班│週計畫訓練書展 全面79折
  take on 承擔;聘僱
I'm not sure if I can take on any more classes; my schedule is already full.
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for wounded British soldiers. She and the other nurses boarded a ship in England and set sail for a hospital in Scutari, Turkey. When they arrived at the hospital, the nurses saw that it was surrounded by mud and trash. However, the worst was yet to come.

Upon entering the hospital, Nightingale and her fellow nurses could not believe the deplorable conditions these soldiers had to endure. Everything in the hospital was dirty and falling apart. Rats moved about freely. Soldiers who were sick or injured lay on bed after bed. But there were not enough beds to go around, so many other soldiers were on the floor. The hospital had few supplies. The soldiers often went without food and medicine. There were not enough clothes, blankets, or equipment.

The hospital's doctors and staff did not welcome the nurses. They felt that the nurses would be more trouble than they were worth. They would not even allow the nurses to help the soldiers. The nurses were not given any supplies except for a daily pint of water intended for drinking and washing.

Every day, more sick and wounded soldiers arrived at the hospital from the battlefield. Conditions got increasingly worse, and the situation seemed hopeless. But Nightingale was more determined than ever to make the hospital a better place. Against army regulations, she went to Constantinople to purchase supplies. She made sure the orderlies cleaned and scrubbed everything in the hospital. She had the patients'clothes washed regularly. She managed to obtain money that was raised in England to buy additional supplies. Not only did Nightingale attend to all these administrative duties, but she also spent countless hours caring for the sick and dying. The doctors were inspired by her dedication, and the soldiers felt that she was an angel of mercy. Nightingale ensured the survival of many soldiers who might otherwise have died.

In 1856, after the war ended, Nightingale went home to England. She was honored as a hero for her work in the Crimean War. Once home, Nightingale's commitment to helping others continued. She worked to improve the quality of army and civilian hospitals. She is known today as the founder of modern nursing.


1854 年,一位名為弗羅倫絲.南丁格爾的護士下定決心要在克里米亞戰爭中做點不一樣的事,她召集了一群護士去照顧受傷的英國士兵。她和護士們從英國登船,前往土耳其斯庫台的一間醫院。她們抵達醫院後,發現整間醫院被泥濘和垃圾包圍,但這還不是最糟的。

一進入醫院,南丁格爾和護士們根本不敢相信這些士兵必須忍受如此悲慘的環境。醫院裡所有 的東西都十分骯髒且支離破碎,老鼠肆意四處遊走。生病或受傷的士兵床挨著床地躺著,但因為沒有足夠的病床,所以很多士兵只能躺在地上。醫院只有少量的補給,因此士兵們常缺少食物和藥物,也沒有足夠的衣服、毛毯和設備。


每天都有更多生病或受傷的士兵從戰場送到醫院,情況日益嚴重,幾乎已經到了絕望的地步。 但南丁格爾卻比以往更堅決,要把醫院變成一個更好的地方。南丁格爾違反軍事規定,跑到君士坦丁堡購買用品。她監督那些勤務員打掃、擦拭醫院裡的每一樣東西,要求定期清洗病患的衣服。她盡力爭取在英國募集的款項,購買額外的補給品。南丁格爾不但參與所有的行政事務,她也花許多的時間照顧那些生病和垂死的人。醫生受到她的奉獻所感召,而士兵們覺得她是慈悲的天使。南丁格爾讓那些原本可能會喪命的士兵們活了下來。

戰爭結束後,1856 年,南丁格爾回到英國的家,她因為在克里米亞戰爭所做的事而被推崇為英雄。雖然回到家鄉,但南丁格爾仍繼續幫助其他人,致力於改善軍隊與平民醫院的品質。如今,她以現代護理創始者而聞名於世。

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