使用字典:俚語字典 Using a Dictionary: The Slang Dictionary

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【英語學習Plus】 使用字典:俚語字典 Using a Dictionary: The Slang Dictionary
【本月發燒書】 俗辣英文俚語特搜
【好康情報局】 安徒生逝世140年特展 │ 單書79折 套書75折
  KK音標建立於1944年,由美國二位語音學家肯揚(John S. Kenyon)與納特(Thomas A. Knott)所創。因兩位語音學家姓氏的第一個字母皆為K,故將此系統稱為KK音標。......more  
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使用字典:俚語字典 Using a Dictionary: The Slang Dictionary

Language is a dynamic medium for the exchange of thoughts. When a new stimulus arises in a culture, people create new words or redefine existing words to use in its context. This is the culture’s “slang.” Known for being both colorful and cryptic, it can entertain while serving its purpose.

Every small subdivision of human culture has slang. Even the few hundred itinerant residents of Antarctica have a surprisingly large body of specialized language for their unique use. A few common examples of the groups that have developed their own words or word usages are: those in specific geographic areas, such as in cities; cliques enjoying the same hobby or sport, such as mountain biking; the general population while it is engaged in a particular activity, such as using the Internet; fans of a television show; and readers of crime fiction.

When encountering a new slang word, it is often possible to ascertain its meaning from its context. If the meaning is still unclear, however, there are innumerable slang dictionaries available to help you, both in print and online. The biggest challenge may be getting the right context, so you can look in the right dictionary.

Entries in a regular dictionary are ordered alphabetically, with numbers ranking higher than letters (they appear in numerical order, before the letter “a”). After the word is a description of the word’s pronunciation (which is uncommon in most slang dictionaries), what part of speech it is, and all of the known definitions. In the case of online dictionaries, synonyms are usually indicated with a link to the other word. For example, in The Dictionary of Mountain Bike Slang (http://world.std. com/~Jimf/biking/slang html), you’ll see that “soil sample” is synonymous with “face plant”, which are both nouns that mean falling in such a way that one’s face is the first part of the body to hit the ground!




一般正常字典的條目都是按照字母順序排列的,數字會出現在字母的前面(編號會出現在小寫 a 的前方)。字的後面是發音(而這在俚語字典中並不常見)、詞性,以及所有的定義。在線上字典中,同義字通常會指向另一個字的連結。舉例來說,在Dictionary of Mountain Bike Slang 網站上,你會發現soil sample 是face plant 的同義字,兩者皆為名詞,指「臉先著地的跌倒方式」!

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