Filthy Riches 2  不可思議賺錢術 2

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2015/08/11 第208期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Filthy Riches 2  不可思議賺錢術 2


  It is tough to make a living nowadays as many people work their fingers to the bone just to make ends meet. Though times are tough, most people are working in places with air conditioning. There are others, however, that do not mind getting their hands dirty to make a bit of money. National Geographic Channel's (NGC) Filthy Riches 2 travels across the United States looking for those who are not afraid to get filthy in order to get rich.
  Ray Turner, the self-described eel2 king, has been trapping eels on the Delaware River for the past 30 years. In one episode, Turner paddles3 his boat up to his wooden eel trap to check the catch for the day. To his surprise, more than two dozen eels have accidentally4 swum their way into Turner's trap. The eels are already caught, but Turner won't get paid unless he transports them back to shore. That means Turner and those two dozen or so eels have to go along for a boat ride together up the river. To see Turner and many others get filthy rich, tune into NGC this month to watch Filthy Riches 2.












  因為很多人拼命工作只能達到收支平衡,所以要在現今謀生十分艱辛。雖然日子艱苦,但多數人都還是在有冷氣的地方工作。然而,其他有一些人不在乎弄髒他們的手來賺取一點錢。國家地理頻道《不可思議賺錢術 2》走遍美國來尋找那些為了致富而不怕把雙手弄髒的人。
  雷•透納自稱是鰻魚王,過去三十年都在德拉瓦河設陷阱捕捉鰻魚。其中有一集,透納划著他的船前往他的木製鰻魚陷阱來檢查當日的魚獲量。令他驚訝的是,超過兩打的鰻魚都不小心游進他的陷阱裡。雖然這些鰻魚早已被捉住,但是除非透納把牠們運回岸上,他才能換取現金。這表示透納和那些兩打左右的鰻魚必須要搭船在河上航行一段路。想看看透納和其他人弄髒雙手賺錢,就要鎖定這個月的國家地理頻道來觀賞《不可思議賺錢術 2》。

  1. make a living  謀生
    = earn a living
    Kevin makes a living as a corn farmer.
  2. work one's fingers to the bone  拼命幹活,非常辛苦地工作
    Sheila worked her fingers to the bone to finish the project on time.
  3. a bit of...  少許的/一點點……
    It requires only a bit of patience to learn how to play this game.
  4. wooden a. 木製的
    The house has wooden floors throughout the entire living room.
  5. trap n. 陷阱
    The hunter used large traps to capture wild deers in the forests.
  6. To one's surprise, S + V  令某人驚訝的是,……
    To John's surprise, everyone in his class remembered his birthday.
  7. transport vt. 運送
    The ship transported the new trucks to Europe without any problems.
  8. or so  大約,左右
    Sue is expected to make a full recovery in a week or so.
  1. filthy a. 骯髒的
  2. eel n. 鰻
  3. paddle vt. 用槳划
  4. accidentally adv. 不小心地

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