Piano Man  整座城市都是你的樂章

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2015/08/25 第210期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Piano Man  整座城市都是你的樂章

  To artist Luke Jerram, putting old pianos on streets around the world is a way to bring people together. His Play Me, I'm Yours project started in 2007, when he placed 15 street pianos across the city of Birmingham in the UK. The project attracted the interest of about 140,000 people in that city during a three-week period. Seeing the success of his work, Jerram later took Play Me, I'm Yours on the road in 2008, and it has been growing ever since. It has been estimated that over the last seven years, more than six million people have either played a street piano or gathered to listen to someone playing one in a total of 45 cities around the world.
  The old pianos have been set up in parks, train stations, markets, and many different public
spaces. Jerram said he got the idea by watching people doing their laundry at a store and not talking to each other. He thought playing the piano was a great way to get people talking to each other and enjoying each other's company. As it turns out, he was quite right about that.








   對藝術家 Luke Jerram 來說,將老舊的鋼琴放置在全世界的街頭,是一個把人們凝聚在一起的方法。他的『Play Me, I'm Yours』計劃始於 2007 年時,他在英國伯明罕市裡放置了十五座街頭鋼琴。這個計劃在短短三個禮拜內就引發了十四萬人的興趣。因為 Jerram 看到他計劃如此的成功,所以之後在 2008 年時,他正式推動了『Play Me, I'm Yours』上路,從那以後該計劃日漸擴大。據估計,過去七年來,在全球一共四十五個城市裡,有六百多萬人不是彈過街頭鋼琴,就是聚在一起聽過某人彈琴。   那些老舊的鋼琴被放置在公園、火車站、市場和許多不同的公共場所裡。 Jerram 說他的靈感來自於觀察到人們在自助洗衣店裡洗衣服,卻沒和彼此聊天。於是他認為彈鋼琴是個很棒的方法使人們互相聊天,並且喜歡彼此作伴。結果,他的想法十分正確。

  1. project n. 計劃,方案
    It takes a lot of work to finish the project.
  2. period n. 期間;時期
    Kent experienced a period of hardship after he was laid off.
  3. take sth / sb on the road (to N/V-ing)  使某事物/人開始(邁向……的路上)
    My father's advice took me on the road to success.
  4. ever since  從此,從那以後
    Rose moved to California in 2005 and has been living there ever since.
    蘿絲 2005 年時搬到加州,從那以後就一直住在那裡。
  5. a total of + 數字  總共有……(數目)
    Beth has worked for that company for a total of 10 years.
  6. space n. 空位(可數);空間(不可數);太空(不可數)
    I couldn't find a space to park my car.
  7. company n. 陪伴(不可數);公司(可數)
    keep sb company  陪伴某人
    Would you like me to stay and keep you company?
  8. As it turns out, S + V  結果/竟然,……
    As it turns out, the answer is both yes and no.

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