Shake It Up  搖一搖 ~ 雪花紛飛*的浪漫

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2015/08/04 第207期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Shake It Up  搖一搖 ~ 雪花紛飛*的浪漫

  Shake them up, and these magical globes offer a view of a frosty miniature world within a world. Sometimes called water globes, snow globes are often used as Christmas decorations when the holiday season draws near. They are usually made of glass, though the less expensive ones can be made of plastic.
  In 1900, in Vienna, Austria, Erwin Perzy I was trying to improve the newly invented electric light bulb. At the time, shoemakers got more light from candles by placing a water-filled glass globe in front of the flame. Perzy filled a globe with water and added white semolina powder. The powder floated slowly down to the bottom of the globe, reminding Perzy of falling snow, and the first snow globe was born.
Today, Perzy's business is run by his grandson. The company, Original Vienna Snow Globes, produces around 200,000 snow globes per year. Their globes have even had cameos in movies, such as in the opening scene in Citizen Kane. You can even order your own custom-made scene set inside one of the company's globes. Put a snow globe in your room, and see what creative wonders it causes.


  1900 年時,在奧地利的維也納,厄文•波茲一世正設法改善新發明的電燈泡。當時,鞋匠們以在燭火前面放置一個裝滿水的玻璃球來取得多的燭光。波茲用水裝滿玻璃球,再加入白色的粗粒麵粉。粉末慢慢地降落至玻璃球底部,讓波茲想起降雪的情景,因此第一個雪花水晶球就這樣誕生了。
  今日,波茲的事業由他的孫子經營。該公司 Original Vienna Snow Globes 每年生產大約二十萬顆雪花水晶球。他們的水晶球甚至在電影裡客串演出,如《大國民》的開場就是。你甚至可以訂做一個專屬你的客製化場景在該公司的水晶球內。在你房間內擺個雪花水晶球,看看會有怎樣創意的驚奇發生。

  1. be used as sth  被用來當某物
    Red is often used as a symbol of passion.
  2. draw near  (某件事情舉行的時間)接近了
    Their wedding day is drawing near.
  3. improve vt. 改善
    The best way to improve your English is to use it every day.
  4. flame n. 火焰
    Shortly after the bombing, the whole city was in flames.
  5. float vi. 漂/飄浮
    Close your eyes and imagine that you are floating away on a cloud.
  6. remind sb of...  讓某人想起……
    This picture reminds me of my first date with my boyfriend.
  7. run vt. 經營
    My brother runs a stylish French restaurant.
  8. creative a. 有創意的
    The teacher always encourages his students to be creative and let their imaginations run wild.
  1. palm n. 手掌
  2. frosty a. 結霜的
  3. miniature n. 小模型
  4. semolina n. 粗粒麵粉
  5. powder n. 粉末
  6. cameo n. 客串演出

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