Wicked Tuna 4  狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 4

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2015/08/04 第223期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Wicked Tuna 4  狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 4
by Marcus Maurice

Get up close and personal with professional fishermen on Wicked Tuna 4.
在《狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 4》單元中,來與職業漁夫近距離接觸吧。

  Fishermen with years of experience can hear the sound of their reels spinning out of control and know that big money can be lost if they do not grab their fishing poles and get their catch. This month, Wicked Tuna 4, which is National Geographic Channel's (NGC) new series, follows a few boats out into the ocean. Dave Marciano, the captain of the boat Hard Merchandise, is always trying to reel in the big one. Marciano has been a fisherman for well over 30 years, so he knows that every trip out into the water will be different from the last because Mother Nature is great at throwing curveballs. One of Marciano's mantras is that everyone has to be willing to fail and get back up again.
  In one episode, two boats are competing for the same fish. At first, a huge tuna pops up on the sonar of Pin Wheel. Suddenly, a shark appears and the tuna hightails it out of there. Unfortunately for the crew of Pin Wheel, the tuna heads right to where a rival boat, Hot Tuna, is anchored. Soon enough, Hot Tuna gets the bite and the crew is racing to pull it in. What makes things even worse for Pin Wheel is that Hot Tuna is in the exact spot where they caught a lot of their fish the day before, so the captain calls the crew bite chasers. Later, Pin Wheel eventually catches their big break and a huge tuna takes the bait. It takes the crew a few tries, but eventually the tuna is harpooned and dragged in. If you enjoy tales from the sea, do not miss Wicked Tuna 4 this month on NGC.

  1. wicked a. 邪惡的;頑皮的
    The wicked witch tricked the princess into eating the poisonous apple.
    *poisonous a. 有毒的
  2. tuna n. 鮪魚
  3. a fishing pole  釣竿
    同: a fishing rod
  4. episode n.(節目、影集的)一集;(整個事情中的)一個事件
    The latest episode of the political scandal shocked the whole society.
    *scandal n. 醜聞
  5. crew n. 全體船員(集合名詞)
    衍: staff n. 全體員工(集合名詞)
    We have six crew members on the plane.
    = We have a crew of six on the plane.
    This company has 50 staff members.
    = This company has a staff of 50.
  6. rival n. 競爭者,對手
    In terms of convenience and economy, that store has no rival.
  7. anchor vt. 下錨停船 & n. 錨;(新聞節目)主播
    The ship will have to be anchored here due to the coming storm.
    Amanda is curious about the news anchor's scandal.
  8. break n. 機會;短暫休息
  9. drag vt. & vi. 拖,拉
    The horse dragged the sledge across the frozen lake.
    *sledge n. 雪橇

reel n.(釣線的)捲軸
catch n. 捕獲物 & vt. 捉住,抓到(三態為:catch, caught, caught。)
Mother Nature  大自然
mantra n. 口頭禪;真言
hightail vt. 迅速逃走
衍: hightail it  迅速逃走
bite n. 上鉤;咬 & vt. 咬
harpoon vt. 以魚叉捕獲 & n. 魚叉

  1. get up close and personal with...  和……作近距離接觸
    At the marine park, we were allowed to get up close and personal with the sea lions.
  2. spin out of control  失去控制
    The country's economy seemed to be spinning out of control.
  3. reel in... / reel... in  收捲軸將……(魚)拉近/釣起
    The fisherman slowly reeled in his line, bringing the fish ashore.
  4. well over + 數字  遠遠超過……
    Since my brother is well over 30, he would like to get married and have children.
  5. throw (sb) a curveball  做出讓(某人)感到出其不意的狀況或難題
    The weather threw them a curveball and they had to eat indoors.
  6. compete for...  為……而競爭
    More than 50 young girls compete for the title of top model.
  7. take the bait  魚吞餌;中圈套
    bait n. 餌,誘餌
    Do you think you can have that car for free? Don't take the bait!

狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 4
在《狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 4》單元中,來與職業漁夫近距離接觸吧。
  具有多年經驗的漁夫能夠聽出捲線器失控的聲音,並且知道如果他們不握緊釣竿、把魚貨給捕撈起來,可能就會失去大筆財富。本月的《狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 4》單元是國家地理頻道(NGC)的新系列,該單元將尾隨幾艘船隻深入海洋。強勢商品號的船長戴夫.馬奇阿諾總是想著釣大魚。他已從事漁夫的行業遠超過三十年,所以他知道每一趟出海之行將與上一回的情況大為不同,因為大自然善於給予出其不意的難題。馬奇阿諾的其中一句口頭禪就是,每個人都必須願意接受失敗,然後重新站起來。
  在某一集當中,兩艘船互相爭奪同一條魚。一開始,一條巨大的鮪魚突然出現在紙風車號漁船的聲納上。忽然間,一隻鯊魚出現了,這條鮪魚便急忙逃離那裡。讓紙風車號船員叫苦的是,那條鮪魚不偏不倚地游往對手船隻(熱門鮪魚號)的下錨停泊之處。很快地,熱門鮪魚號讓鮪魚上鉤了,而船員競相將牠拉進船上。對紙風車號而言,更糟糕的是,熱門鮪魚號就停在前一天紙風車號捕撈大量魚貨的地方,所以船長便稱呼那些船員為捕魚跟屁蟲。後來,紙風車號終於抓住大好機會,一條巨大鮪魚吞餌上鉤。船員們嘗試了幾回,但最終那條鮪魚還是被魚叉刺中並被拖上了船。如果你很喜歡來自海洋方面的故事,別錯過本月國家地理頻道所推出的《狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 4》單元。

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