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2016/10/31 第209期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


Google、Facebook..等各大科技業巨頭,近年來都積極佈局虛擬實境(Virtual Reality,簡稱VR)市場。VR應用範圍廣泛,不僅遊戲而已,包括教育、醫療..等。若說,YouTube顛覆了電視、蘋果顛覆了手機,那麼未來主導AR/VR & AI的企業也會顛覆科技想像。
VR裝備大致分為兩大類,一為Facebook的Oculus Rift走高階路線,必須搭配高規格電腦系統與外接相機;二為簡易廉價型的Google Cardboard及Daydream平台,只要搭配智慧型手機即可使用。Google的策略確實成功快速打入大眾市場,尤其去年啟動的校園體驗計畫(Expeditions Pioneer Program),到今年上半年吸引逾100萬學生體驗;而且將於11月開賣的Daydream View VR 眼鏡更是徹底貫徹大眾化的策略。崇尚實用主義的蘋果,雖未推出VR產品,但卻早於2010年就開始低調進行各項VR/AR新創公司的收購,於今年8月底,又傳出申請VR專利消息,市場只能猜測它的VR產品有可能與iPhone結合一起使用。另外,Facebook於開發者大會(Oculus Connect 3)表示,其產品也要一改現在搭配電腦的設計。看來,VR裝備操作越來越簡單,以後還可以不搭配電腦。

The landscape of virtual reality has been divided into two types of headsets: expensive with high-end devices and cheap devices with smartphones as displays. However, both Facebook and Google reached at (1) middle ground at the beginning of Oct. Bloomberg reports that〝Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg revealed that Oculus was making a headset that wouldn’t require users to (2) tether themselves to a PC. He showed a short video of a prototype that had no wires and seemed to contain the processors in a compartment sitting at the back of the wearer’s head. “We have a demo, but we don’t have a product.” said Zuckerberg.〞

虛擬實境的裝備大致分為兩種:一為昂貴型必須搭配高規格配備;另一個則是簡易廉價型,只須智慧型手機即可當顯示器使用。然而,在今年10月初,Facebook 與Google卻達成共識了。彭博報導,Facebook執行長馬克·祖克伯透露正在努力使Oculus裝備可以不用連線至電腦即可使用。他展示的短片中,商品原型沒有接線,而且頭載裝備的後面內隔就包含了處理器。祖克伯說:我們現在只有樣本,還未做出商品。

At Google Oct 4 event, it shared the most information (3) yet about its new mobile VR platform, Daydream, the ambitious follow-up to its popular low-cost Cardboard system. Fastcompany states that〝It’s the strongest signal yet that Google sees the smartphone as being at the center of consumer-grade virtual reality. While companies like HTC and the Facebook-owned Oculus have released high-end tethered VR systems that require expensive PCs, Google has clearly placed its bet on VR that works on phones. It’s also betting on an open system: Other companies will be able to take advantage of a Daydream reference design by making Daydream-compatible headsets and controllers, as well as Daydream-ready phones.〞
10月初的發表大會上,Google分享了有始以來最多關於新的手機VR平台Daydream的資訊,以及強烈企圖心地加強鞏固受歡迎的低成本Cardboard系統。根據Fastcompany報導,這訊息強烈顯示Google把智慧型手機當作消費大眾可接受的VR設計系統核心。當HTC 以及 Facebook的Oculus已經表示他們的高階VR要搭配昂貴規格電腦使用,但Google卻很清楚大力下注在搭配手機的VR。而且,它還下注在開放系統:其它公司將可以受益於Daydream平台的參考設計,製造出相容Daydream平台的頭戴設備、搖控器與手機。

In other words, Google’s idea is to enable a broad Daydream ecosystem that pairs its new mobile OS—Android N, which was built from the ground up with Daydream support—with a variety of manufacturers’ light, customizable, easy-to-use VR headsets.
換言之,Google的方式擴大了Daydream生態,除了要搭配新手機Android N系統,並建立在影響所有使用Daydream支持平台者- 各式製造商、客制化、容易使用的裝備。資料來源:Bloomberg/Fastcompany.com/每日頭條

1. middle ground 妥協、中間立場
The judge of the case chose a middle ground between harshness and leniency.
2. tether 繫繩、使用移動式電子裝置連結
at/reach the end of your tether
I’m at the end of my tether with these kids. 我對這些孩子已經束手無策了。
3. yet (adv) 尚未、還沒(用於否定句);仍然(even now);再(用於強調 another 或 again 之類的詞,尤指數量增加或某事發生頻繁);此處是指迄今最好/最差/最多..等描述最高級情況。
I'm sorry to bother you yet again.我很抱歉又來麻煩你。
This will be the Prime Minister’s most important speech yet.


  1. Bread and butter are my favorite food. 奶油麵包是我最喜歡的食物。
  2. Ten years are a very long time. 十年是一段很長的時間。
  3. My vocabularies are very limited. 我的字彙很有限。
  4. The number of fools are infinite. 愚者的數量難以計數。
  5. A number of people is addicted to the online game called Pokemon GO. 很多人沈迷於叫作「寶可夢」的線上遊戲。


  1. Bread and butter is my favorite food. 英文裡有時將兩種東西用and連接起來,會形成一個單一的概念,譬如bacon and eggs、whisky and soda。本句bread and butter即是如此,它不是分開指「奶油」和「麵包」,而是指「奶油麵包」這一種食物。附帶一提,bread and butter也可表示「維持生計的專業」,此時亦作單數形看待。
  2. Ten years is a very long time. ten years乍看是複數,但這句話是在表達十年這「一段時間」,所以應該當作一個整體來看待,be動詞用單數形。
  3. My vocabulary is very limited. Vocabulary字彙是一個集合名詞,一種概念、一種量,用單數動詞is。一個一個的字,那叫做word。字彙量有限,用alimited/small vocabulary;更多字彙,用a larger/wider vocabulary.
  4. The number of fools is infinite. 這句話出自聖經。主詞是the number,而非fools,而the number(數目)是單數,故be動詞是is。
  5. A number of people are addicted to the online game called Pokemon GO. 本題請與第4題作比較,a number of 與 the number of雖然長得很像,但語意全然不同。a number of相當於many,也就是「許多、若干」的意思,為複數,故be動詞應該用are。

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