Urban Legends: Fact or Fiction? 真真假假•都會傳奇

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2016/10/04 第268期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Urban Legends: Fact or Fiction?  真真假假•都會傳奇
Is the story you heard recently real or is it a myth?

  Have you ever heard someone swear that the city's sewers are full of alligators? How about the one about the woman who found a rat in her fast- food sandwich? These stories always seem to come from a friend who heard it from a friend. They are urban legends——amazing stories that are thought to be true but are fake.
  Urban legends are basically made-up stories. No one seems to know how, or where, or why they start. One person tells another who tells yet another, and so on. Before long, so many people are telling the story that it takes on a life of its own. The belief is that if enough people are saying something happened, there must be some truth to it.
  Today, it is pretty easy to prove that an urban legend is false. There are websites, such as snopes.com, that go about investigating the truth behind these tales. That doesn't mean urban legends are finished, though. In fact, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever for urban legends to travel far and wide.


  現在,要證明都會傳奇是假的相當容易。像 snopes.com 這樣的網站會去調查這些故事背後的真相。然而,這並不表示都會傳奇玩完了。事實上,多虧了網際網路,都會傳奇比以往更容易四處流傳。

  1. fake a. 偽造的;假的;冒充的
    Most people can't tell a real diamond from a fake one.
  2. basically adv. 基本上
    These two words basically mean the same thing.
  3. made-up a. 捏造的,虛構的
    Sam's made-up excuses didn't fool anyone.
  4. and so on  等等,及諸如此類
    Sally's father can't eat seafood such as fish, shrimps, crabs, and so on.
  5. take on...  呈現/開始具有……
    John's life took on a new meaning after his near-death experience.
  6. belief n. 信念
    Lisa has a strong belief in her ability to win.
  7. prove vt. 證明,證實
    The results from Dr. Chen's research proved his theory.
  8. go about V-ing  著手/開始進行……
    After Beth prepared all the ingredients she needed, she went about making a delicious cake.
    * ingredient n. 食材,原料

urban a. 城市的,都市的(僅用於名詞前)
myth n. 神話;錯誤的想法
sewer n. 下水道

本文 "In fact, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever for urban legends to travel far and wide." 中的片語 far and wide 表『四處,到處』。而片語中的副詞 far 表『四處,到處』,常見用法為 as far as...,表『遠至/一直到……』。例:

Clark traveled far and wide after he retired.

The sea stretched before us as far as our eyes could see.

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