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2016/11/07 第210期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


(a) 替代方案 (b) 調整 (c) 洞悉

1.“Are there different treatment options?”
Usually a doctor decides the best course of action rather than informs patients their options. However, when choosing the right treatment, it should be a shared decision-making process. You may have to ask your doctor about your (a) alternatives, and then (1) sort it out with the him.

2.“What else can I do to improve my condition?”
Medication may be high-efficiency but adjusting lifestyle is often more important. Daily habits like what you eat, how much you sleep, and whether you smoke or drink (2) account for 70% of the risk for illness. Some doctors prefer medication, unless patients ask for a lifestyle (b) adjustment.

3.“What are the side effects?”
headaches, skin rashes to mouth blisters, these are some of the common side effects  when taking medications, and there can be more. Ask your doctor about it (3) with eyes wide open before going into any course of treatment.

4.“Should I get a second opinion?”
A doctor’s (c) insights into your symptoms and causes may be very different from another one’s. Seeking a second opinion is kind of offensive to your doctors’ expertise but it’s your health after all. Asking your doctor who else you could consult will be a good idea. Especially if you’re considering surgery or side-effect-heavy drugs.

5.“Is there anything I should know but I haven’t asked yet?”
It happens all the time where physicians and patients see different things in a different order of importance. Doctors are just normal human being like us. They have the best intent, but they may overlook a patient’s greatest need so try reminding them.


(1) sort sth/sb out 理出頭緒、解決
Sort 是分類,sort something out 就是把事情整理好,衍伸為理出頭緒的意思,是英文口語常見的說法。
We had a very productive meeting. I felt we sorted out a lot of problems.
(2) account for對…負有責任
Who will have to account for the misprints in the dictionary?  
(3) with one’s eyes (wide) open 心裡有底
with one’s eyes open睜大眼睛看清楚,衍伸為了解事情的經過、心裡有數。
I went into the job with my eyes open, fully knowing what it would involve.


  1. We have to make our partners to accept this deal. 我們必須讓合夥人接受這筆交易。
  2. Could you tell me how long will it take to finish this job? 你可以告訴我,完成這項工作將花費多久的時間嗎?
  3. During the period of economic recession, even big companies found them difficult to raise cash. 在不景氣時期,即使是大公司也發現很難募集到現金。
  4. You should attend the meeting this morning. 你今天早上應該要來參加會議的。
  5. If you have any question, please contact with me. 若有任何問題,請跟我聯絡。


  1. We have to make our partners accept this deal. let、have、make用在表示命令、驅使之意時,是所謂的「使役動詞」,後面接了受詞之後,再接的動詞為原形動詞,而非不定詞。
  2. Could you tell me how long it will take to finish this job? 當句子為間接問句時,須把原來疑問句改成直述句的語序,即【主詞+動詞】。
  3. During the period of economic recession, even big companies found it difficult to raise cash. 別以為該用them代表big companies,正解是用it作為虛受詞,指後面的to raise cash。
  4. You should have attended the meeting this morning. 表示「過去應該要做/發生,卻沒有做/發生」,句型是should have+過去分詞。
  5. If you have any question, please contact me. 搞混及物與不及物動詞,可說是最常見的錯誤之一,譬如職場會話經常用到的contact一字,往往被人拿來與介系詞with連用,其實它是及物動詞,後面直接接受詞即

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