What Makes a Good Company One of the Best? 美國幸福企業排排站

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2016/11/29 第291期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

What Makes a Good Company One of the Best?  美國幸福企業排排站
by Bruce E. Bagnell

While there are many excellent companies to work for in the United States, these four rank as the best.

  There seems to be a list for everything, and the business world is no exception. Both Fortune magazine and the website Glassdoor prepare _(1)_ lists of the best companies to work for. The following are some of the top companies taken from the Glassdoor "Employees' Choice Awards" survey of 2016.
  Everyone knows and _(2)_ Google, one of the largest and most exciting tech companies. Google, however, _(3)_ problems like any other business. Even with its fantastic "campus" workplace and endless _(4)_ for its employees, in 2016, Google dropped to 8th place from 1st place in 2015, proving that nothing is permanent in the world of business. By working harder, other companies can move up the list and replace former leaders.
  LinkedIn is an Internet-based company that helps professionals get in touch with each other. Its employees praise it as an _(5)_ and challenging place to work at. Even more famous is Facebook, with its hundreds of millions of users interacting on the website on a daily _(6)_. Its employees _(7)_ the collaborative experience that Facebook provides. These two companies are placed 6th and 5th respectively on the list of the best places to work.
  This year, it was Airbnb's _(8)_ at the top of the list. This private Internet-based company helps people find affordable _(9)_ when they travel. Airbnb _(10)_ hiring the best people and having a clear mission. Businessmen know that continuous effort must be applied to please both their employees and customers. Those that make the extra effort can sometimes rank 1st on Fortune's or Glassdoor's lists.

(A) runs into (B) focuses on  (C) accommodations (D) perks (E) turn
(F) inspiring (G) annual  (H) appreciate (I) basis (J) respects

  1. Both Fortune magazine and the website Glassdoor prepare annual lists of the best companies to work for.
    《財星》雜誌和 Glassdoor 網站都準備出全世界最棒的公司年度排行榜。
    a. 空格前有及物動詞 prepare(準備),空格後有名詞 lists(排行榜),得知空格應置形容詞以修飾 lists。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (F) inspiring(啟發人心的)及 (G) annual(年度的),惟根據語意,(G) 項應為正選。
    c. annual a. 年度的
    Overall, our annual sales increased by 10% this year.
    整體看來,我們今年的年度銷售增加了 10%。
  2. Everyone knows and respects Google, one of the largest and most exciting tech companies.
    a. 空格前有第三人稱單數動詞 knows(知道)和對等連接詞 and,空格後有名詞 Google(谷歌),可知空格內應置入第三人稱單數及物動詞或第三人稱單數及物片語動詞以和 knows 形成對等。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (A) runs into(遭遇)、(B) focuses on(專注於)以及 (J) respects(尊敬),惟根據語意,(J) 項應為正選。
    c. respect vt. & n. 尊敬
    Lauren respects the store's rules to take only three things into the fitting rooms.
  3. Google, however, runs into problems like any other business.
    a. 空格前有單數主詞 Google(谷歌)和作插入語用的副詞 however(然而),空格後有名詞 problems(問題),可知空格內應置入第三人稱及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的尚有 (A) runs into(遭遇)及 (B) focuses on(專注於),惟根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
    c. run into...  遇到/碰見……
    Whenever I run into Becky, she is eating something.
  4. Even with its fantastic "campus" workplace and endless perks for its employees...
    a. 空格前有形容詞 endless(無止盡的),空格後有介詞 for,得知空格應置名詞以被 endless 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (C) accommodations(住宿)以及 (D) perks(福利),惟根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
    c. perk n. 福利;津貼(常用複數)
    Most colleges offer the perk of having a free gym on campus.
  5. Its employees praise it as an inspiring and challenging place to work at.
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 an,空格後有對等連接詞 and和形容詞 challenging(具有挑戰性的),可知空格內應置入母音開頭的形容詞以和 challenging 形成對等。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (F) inspiring(啟發人心的),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. inspiring a. 振奮人心的
    The Pope delivered an inspiring speech about world peace.
  6. Even more famous is Facebook, with its hundreds of millions of users interacting on the website on a daily basis.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    on a daily / monthly / yearly basis  每天/每月/每年
    It is important to consume fruit and vegetables on a daily basis.
    b. 根據上述用法,(I) 項應為正選。
  7. Its employees appreciate the collaborative experience that Facebook provides.
    a. 空格前有複數名詞 employees(員工),空格後有名詞詞組 the collaborative experience(合作經驗),得知空格應置複數及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (E) turn(轉向)以及 (H) appreciate(珍惜;欣賞),惟根據語意,(H) 項應為正選。
    c. appreciate vt. 珍惜;欣賞,賞識
    The manager appreciated the new employee's devotion to the job.
    *devotion n. 奉獻(其後與介詞 to 並用)
  8. This year, it was Airbnb's turn at the top of the list.
    今年,輪到了 Airbnb 榮登榜首。
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    it's one's turn (to V)  輪到某人(做……)
    It's your turn to do the dishes tonight.
    b. 根據上述用法,(E) 項應為正選。
  9. This private Internet-based company helps people find affordable accommodations when they travel.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 affordable(價格合理的),得知空格應置名詞以被 affordable 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的僅剩 (C) accommodations(住宿),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. accommodations n. 住宿(恆用複數)
    The price is for the accommodations only. Meals are not included.
  10. Airbnb focuses on hiring the best people and having a clear mission.
    Airbnb 專注於僱用最佳的人選並擁有明確的使命。
    a. 空格前有單數名詞 Airbnb,空格後有動名詞 hiring(僱用),得知空格內應置入第三人稱及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (B) focuses on(專注於),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. focus on...  著重/集中於……
    There were too many distractions at the cafe, so Kenny couldn't focus on his homework.
    *distraction n. 使人分心的事物
  1. work for...  為……工作
    Lily hated working for her previous company because her boss was always picking on her.
    *pick on sb  找某人的麻煩;與某人過不去
  2. be no exception  不例外
    衍: with the exception of...  除了……之外
    Everyone should help clean the classroom, and you are no exception.
    With the exception of Clark, the whole class will go on a picnic on Saturday.
  3. move up  晉升;升遷
    The young manager is trying to move up in his company.
  4. get in touch with sb  與某人取得聯繫
    衍: keep in touch with sb  與某人保持聯絡
    You can get in touch with Mr. Smith by calling Hotel Weston.
    Though I rarely see Roy, we keep in touch with each other via email.

campus n. 校園
professional n. 專業人士 & a. 專業的
interact vi. 互動,交流
collaborative a. 合作的
衍: collaborate vi. 合作
continuous a. 連續的,不中斷的

  1. survey n. 調查(報告)& vt. 調查
    The survey shows that only 32% of American adults engage in regular exercise.
    這項調查顯示只有 32% 的美國人有規律運動。
    The government surveyed the people's reaction to the reform bill.
  2. fantastic a. 極好的,很棒的
    The town boasts delicious local cuisine and fantastic scenery.
    *boast vt. 以(擁有)……而自豪
  3. endless a. 無止盡的
    衍: endlessly adv. 無窮盡地
    Andy's endless complaining really annoys me.
    The road seemed to extend endlessly into the desert.
  4. drop vi. 下降;(順道)訪問
    衍: drop by  順道拜訪
    The temperature dropped to zero degrees last night.
    Ivan happened to be in the neighborhood, so he decided to drop by.
  5. permanent a. 永久的
    衍: permanently adv. 永久地
    Bill should give up smoking before it does permanent damage to his lungs.
    Working day and night without taking a rest has permanently injured Jessica's health.
  6. replace vt. 取代;替換
    衍: replace A with B  以 B 取代 A
    After Tony hit the jackpot, he decided to replace his scooter with a Mercedes.
    *hit the jackpot  中頭彩,中大獎
  7. praise vt. 讚美
    衍: praise sb/sth as...  稱讚某人/某物為……
    Various reviews have praised the movie's music as elegant and touching.
  8. challenging a. 具有挑戰性的
    For the most part, the work is challenging and very exciting.
  9. respectively adv. 分別地,各自地
    Dan and Ryan are seven and five years old respectively.
  10. affordable a. 負擔得起的
    Many college students took part in the protest for more affordable education.
  11. mission n. 任務
    Cindy acknowledged that her mistake had led to the failure of the mission.
  12. apply vt. & vi. 應用,運用
    衍: apply to...  適用於……
    The company rules apply to everyone, from the president down to the janitor.
    *janitor n. 工友
  13. please vt. 取悅
    Jeff eagerly wants to get a promotion, so he goes out of his way to please his boss.
    *go out of one's way to V  竭盡全力(做)……

  似乎所有的事物都有一個排行榜,商業界也不例外。《財星》雜誌和 Glassdoor 網站都準備出全世界最棒的公司年度排行榜。下列是取自 Glassdoor 於 2016 年進行的『員工評選獎』問卷調查中某些名列前茅的公司。
  所有人都知道並尊敬谷歌,它是規模最大且最令人振奮的科技公司之一。然而,谷歌也像任何其他企業一樣遭遇問題。即使它有極為出色的『校園風格』工作空間並為其員工提供無窮無盡的福利,2016 年,谷歌從 2015 年的排行榜冠軍掉到第八名,證明了在商界中沒有什麼是永恆不變的。透過更加努力,其他公司也可以往上攀升並取代先前的領先公司。
  今年,輪到了 Airbnb 榮登榜首。這間私人的網路公司幫助人們在旅行時搜尋價格合理的住宿選擇。Airbnb 專注於僱用最佳的人選並擁有明確的使命。企業人士心知肚明一點,必須透過持續不斷的努力才能使員工與顧客都滿意。那些更加用心投入的公司有時候可以在《財星》雜誌或 Glassdoor 的排行榜中奪下冠軍。
答案:1. G 2. J 3. A 4. D 5. F 6. I 7. H 8. E 9. C 10. B

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