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2016/11/04 第330期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 星座
【本月發燒書】 Get Ready!商務英語溝通力【二版】
【好康情報局】 2016高雄佛光山書展
單書79折 套書75折!

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星座 Star Signs of the Zodiac

What is your star sign? Many people believe that the 12 star signs can give us deep insight into our daily lives, talents, special qualities, and future. Knowing your star sign may also help you to overcome some of life's difficulties.

The 12 star signs form the zodiac. In ancient Greece, the word "zodiac" meant "circle of little animals." The 12 star signs were named after animals that they resemble. We can see different star signs in the night sky depending on what month of the year it is.

Ancient Greek astronomers used the 12 divisions of the zodiac to make the study of stars and planets easier. These 12 equal divisions of the night sky are called the "signs of the zodiac" or "star signs." The 12 star signs are: the ram (Aries), the bull (Taurus), the twins (Gemini), the crab (Cancer), the lion (Leo), the maiden (Virgo), the scales (Libra), the scorpion (Scorpio), the archer (Sagittarius), the goat (Capricorn), the water carrier (Aquarius), and the fish (Pisces).

Ancient fortune-tellers believed that the movement of stars and planets affected the lives of normal people. This meant that people born under the same star sign would have similar personality traits. The study of how the zodiac affects people's personalities came to be known as "astrology." In some countries, the use of astrology to predict the future has become a very profitable business.

Since it is hard to prove that stars and planets affect human behavior, there are many people who believe that the zodiac is merely an ancient star map with no special powers. But how can they explain why so many Cancers are always moody? It seems that the night sky does affect us, but in ways that will always remain a mystery.

你是什麼星座?許多人相信十二星座可以讓 你深入了解你的日常生活、才能、特質和未來。 了解你的星座也能夠幫助你克服生活上的一些困 難。   

十二星座形成黃道帶。在古希臘,「黃道帶」 這個字原意為「動物圈(獸帶)」,故十二星座 即以相似的小動物來命名。每年在不同月分,我 們都可以見到不同星座高掛於夜空中。  

古希臘天文學家利用黃道帶的十二個部分, 來讓星體和行星的研究變得更簡單。夜空中十二 均等的部分就稱為「黃道十二宮」或「星座」, 這十二個星座分別為公羊(白羊座)、公牛(金 牛座)、雙胞胎(雙子座)、螃蟹(巨蟹座)、 獅子(獅子座)、處女(處女座)、天平(天秤 座)、蠍子(天蠍座)、弓箭手(射手座)、山 羊(摩羯座)、裝水的容器(水瓶座),以及魚(雙 魚座)。   

古代算命師認為星星和行星的移動,會對凡 人的生活造成影響。出生於相同星座的人,也會 有著相似的性格。研究黃道帶如何影響人類性格 的研究稱為「占星學」。在一些國家中,利用占 星學來預測未來,已經成為一種小型的營利事業。   

由於很難去證明星星和行星會對人類行為產 生影響,許多人因此認為,黃道帶只是一種無特 殊力量的古代夜空地圖。但是他們要如何解釋為 什麼正好有許多巨蟹座的人總是多愁善感?夜空 似乎真的對我們有影響,但影響的方式將永遠是 個謎團。

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Get Ready!商務英語溝通力【二版】
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