A Short Story on a Receipt 小說販賣機 讓你變文青

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2018/04/03 第358期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Short Story on a Receipt  小說販賣機 讓你變文青
by Brian Foden

A French company has come up with a novel way to distribute fiction through vending machines.


  Vending machines exist for a variety of purposes: dispensing candy bars, chips, soda, pens, and even ice cream, to name just a few. One unusual use for these machines is to __1__ short stories—really short ones. A French company named Short Edition, which is a community publisher of short literature, has developed stylish, cylindrical, black and orange dispensers that allow people to select free works of fiction according to __2__. Three buttons on the devices let the public __3__ from stories that take one minute, three minutes, or five minutes to finish. After deciding on the appropriate stories, readers watch as the vending machines print out text on receipt-like paper, which they can then stuff into their pockets, purses, or __4__ else they want, and read at their leisure. Call it micro-fiction for the masses.
  Cofounder of Short Edition, Quentin Pleplé, says the idea behind the vending machines is to provide people with a convenient way to __5__ time when they are bored, like when they are waiting to see the doctor or dentist. At present, all the stories are written by French authors and __6__ in French and, through translation, English. "The feedback we got has been __7__ positive, (and) we are thrilled to see it working so well," Pleplé said. He added that people in many countries around the world have expressed interest and desire in having Short Edition vending machines in operation there.
1. (A) bring about  (B) put off  (C) call for  (D) hand out
2. (A) concept  (B) length  (C) trend  (D) version
3. (A) choose  (B) suffer  (C) vanish  (D) escape
4. (A) whatever  (B) anyway  (C) whenever  (D) anyhow
5. (A) seek  (B) take  (C) waste  (D) kill
6. (A) eligible  (B) tolerable  (C) available  (D) sensible
7. (A) ironically  (B) scarcely  (C) overwhelmingly  (D) reluctantly


cylindrical a. 圓柱形的
dispenser n. 投幣機
: drink dispenser  飲料機
tape dispenser  膠臺
receipt dispenser  收據吐出口
text n. 文字 & vt. 傳簡訊給(某人)
: text message  簡訊
mass n. 群眾;大量;團,塊
: a mass of...  大量的……

1. to name just a few  僅舉幾個為例
: just to name a few
Molly has many hobbies, such as singing, dancing, and painting, to name just a few.

2. at one's leisure  在某人閒暇時
: in one's spare time
At my leisure, I like to write, sew, and make jewelry.
*sew vi. & vt. 縫(衣服)(三態為:sew, sewed, sewn / sewed。)

3. provide A with B  提供 B 給 A
: provide B for A
Many universities provide their students with on-campus housing.

4. be thrilled to V  ……很興奮
I was thrilled to meet my favorite singer in person.

5. in operation  運作/營業
Because of renovation, the restaurant will not be in operation until next Friday.

1. receipt n. 收據,發票(本字的 p 不發音)
: electronic receipt  電子發票
Would you like the receipt in the bag?

2. novel a. 新穎的,新奇的 & n. 小說
: a novel idea  新奇的點子
Larry proposed a novel idea which may help boost sales.
Lisa began writing novels in her twenties.

3. distribute vt. 分發,分送
Owen helped his teacher distribute questionnaires to his classmates.
*questionnaire n. 問卷

4. fiction n.(虛構)小說類(集合名詞,不可數)
: nonfiction n.(虛構)非小說類(集合名詞,不可數)
比較 novel 和 fiction 皆表「小說」,但是 novel 為可數名詞,所以表示「一本小說」時要用 a novel。而 fiction 則為集合名詞,表「小說的總稱」,前面不可以置冠詞。
That short story is a work of fiction. In other words, it is not about real people.

5. dispense vt. 提供;分配;配藥
: dispense A to B   將 A 分給 B
The hospitable villagers dispensed iced tea to the thirsty mountain climbers.
*hospitable a. 好客的,殷勤的
Pharmacists can't be too careful when dispensing medicine.
*pharmacist n. 藥劑師

6. appropriate a. 恰當的;合適的
: inappropriate a. 不恰當的
Now is not the appropriate time to talk about this problem.
Roy's inappropriate comment offended his friends.

7. stuff vt. 塞進,塞滿 & n. 物品,東西(不可數)
: be stuffed with...  塞滿……
a lot of stuff  許多東西(非 a lot of stuffs)
= a lot of things
This closet is stuffed with my sister's clothes.
I'm afraid I can't go out with you tonight. I have a lot of stuff to do.

8. micro- pref. 微(小的)
: microwave n. 微波爐
microphone n. 麥克風


1. One unusual use for these machines is to hand out short stories—really short ones.
這些機器的其中一個特別用途是發送短篇小說 ── 真的很短的故事。

a. (A) bring about...  造成/導致……
: give rise to...
The bad economy brought about more unemployment in the country.
(B) put off...  拖延……,將……延期
: postpone vt.
Due to the typhoon, we've decided to put off our trip until next week.
(C) call for...  要求……
People are calling for the senator involved in the scandal to step down.
*senator n. 參議員
(D) hand out... / hand... out  發放……,分發……
Jimmy got a part-time job handing out flyers in front of the store.
b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。

2. A French company named Short Edition... has developed stylish, cylindrical, black and orange dispensers that allow people to select free works of fiction according to length.
一家名為 Short Edition 的法國公司……開發了時尚、圓柱形、黑橙配色、能讓大家根據小說長度來選擇免費小說作品的自動販賣機。

a. (A) concept n. 概念,觀念
It is hard to define a concept as abstract as beauty.
*abstract a. 抽象的
(B) length n. 長度
Do you want to keep your hair shoulder length?
(C) trend n. 趨勢
Nina always pays close attention to the latest fashion trends.
(D) version n. 版本;譯本
Jeremy thought the movie version was nothing like the novel.
b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。

3. Three buttons on the devices let the public choose from stories that take one minute, three minutes, or five minutes to finish.

a. (A) choose vi. & vt. 選擇(三態為:choose, chose, chosen。)
: 複數名詞 + to choose from  有……從中選擇
There were many kinds of dessert to choose from on the menu.
The little girl chose the largest apple in the basket.
(B) suffer vi. 受苦;患(病)
: suffer from...  遭受……;罹患……(疾病)
Iris suffers from insomnia because of her high-pressure job.
*insomnia n. 失眠
(C) vanish vi. 消失
: vanish from...  從……消失
= disappear from...
Many animal species have already vanished from the face of the Earth.
(D) escape vi. & vt. 逃離;逃避
: escape from...  從……逃脫
Luckily, we were able to escape from the burning building.
The travelers escaped the herd of elephants by hiding behind some rocks.
b. 根據語意及用法,(A) 項應為正選。

4. ... which they can then stuff into their pockets, purses, or whatever else they want, and read at their leisure.

a. (A) whatever pron. 任何東西 & a. 不管什麼樣的 & conj. 無論什麼
I believe whatever Judy says.
If you can't come for whatever reason, please let us know as soon as possible.
Whatever happens, I'll back you up.
(B) anyway adv. 不論如何,到底(強調用,置於疑問句或感嘆句句尾)
Who wants to go to your stupid party anyway!
(C) whenever conj. 每當 & adv. 無論何時
Whenever I was on stage, my hands couldn't stop shaking.
I'll be home tonight. You can stop by whenever you want.
(D) anyhow adv. 不管如何
: anyway
= at any rate
Anyhow, we can give it a try.
b. 根據語意及用法,(A) 項應為正選。

5. ... the idea behind the vending machines is to provide people with a convenient way to kill time when they are bored...

a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
kill time  打發時間
Listening to music is a good way to kill time.
b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。

6. At present, all the stories are written by French authors and available in French and, through translation, English.

a. (A) eligible a. 有資格的,合格的
: be eligible for sth  有資格得到某物
Anyone who finds my lost dog will be eligible for a cash reward.
(B) tolerable a. 可忍受的
The pain from the needle going into my arm was tolerable.
(C) available a. 可用的;可得到的
Are there any seats available on the afternoon flight?
(D) sensible a. 明智的,合理的
It was sensible of you to quit that awful job.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。

7. "The feedback we got has been overwhelmingly positive, (and) we are thrilled to see it working so well," Pleplé said.

a. (A) ironically adv. 諷刺地
Ironically, the more water I drink, the thirstier I get.
(B) scarcely adv. 幾乎不
: hardly adv.
Mary was so surprised that she could scarcely speak.
(C) overwhelmingly adv. 壓倒性地
None of the other ideas seemed to be so overwhelmingly convincing.
*convincing a. 令人信服的
(D) reluctantly adv. 不情願地
Dora reluctantly explained to me why she broke up with her boyfriend.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。


襪子外交 用「雙腳」說話

  根據《紐約時報》,杜魯道的襪子外交在去年六月的多倫多驕傲遊行期間相當重要,當時,杜魯道穿著一雙不僅僅是彩虹顏色(彩虹為 LGBTQ 社群的傳統象徵)的襪子參加遊行,它也印有 Eid Mubarak 字樣,以及一顆星星和新月。Eid Mubarak 是傳統穆斯林問候語,意即「開齋節快樂」。星星和新月的標誌則和伊斯蘭教有著密不可分的關係。由於多倫多驕傲遊行當天剛好是齋戒月(穆斯林禁食的月份)最後一天,因此他的襪子再適合不過了。在那之前,杜魯道於五月參加一場北大西洋公約組織會議時,就穿著印有北大西洋公約組織旗子的襪子,一腳藍色、一腳粉紅色。這展現了他對這個國際組織的支持。他也藉由在一個電視脫口秀中穿著襪上印有加拿大國家象徵的楓葉來展現他的愛國心。誰猜得到下一回杜魯道的腳上時尚又會帶給世界什麼訊息呢?
1. L 2. A 3. J 4. C 5. I 6. G 7. E 8. D 9. F 10. H




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