With Taipei Fun Pass, Travel Around Northern Taiwan With No Limits!

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2018/04/26 第194期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Taipei
With Taipei Fun Pass, Travel Around Northern Taiwan With No Limits!
With Taipei Fun Pass, Travel Around Northern Taiwan With No Limits!
Taipei Fun Pass (北北基好玩卡) is your best choice for traveling around northern Taiwan. With this pass, you can visit popular attractions in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung City, and also take unlimited rides within the validity of the pass. The best part is you will save travel expenses and there’s no need to waste time lining up for tickets!

Taiwan’s First Pass to Combine Transportation and Attractions

You can choose Taipei Fun Pass – Unlimited version, which is the very first pass in Taiwan to combine attractions and transportation, or Taipei Fun Pass – Transportation version, which is good for transportation only. Both passes allow you to take unlimited rides within their validity on Taipei MRT, Taipei City and New Taipei City buses (except buses with four-digit route numbers), and on five Taiwan Tourist Shuttle (台灣好行觀光巴士) routes, including Yangmingshan (陽明山), Yehliu (野柳), Pingxi (平溪) and others.

The Unlimited version allows admission to 12 attractions, including Taipei 101 Observatory (台北101觀景台), National Palace Museum (國立故宮博物院), Yehliu Geopark (野柳地質公園) and even the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology (國立海洋科技博物館) in Keelung. You will explore the rich cultural landscape of the northern Taiwan to your heart’s content!

Take Taipei Fun Pass Along for Some In-depth Exploration

Besides transportation and tickets, Taipei Fun Pass also offers package tours. You can buy fresh local ingredients at morning markets, and a chef will help you prepare local dishes. You can enjoy authentic Taiwanese delicacies and watch an amazing puppet show at the same time. With a half-day or one-day local excursion, you will get to see, taste, and experience the real northern Taiwan lifestyle firsthand!

The Taipei Fun Pass website and App provide fascinating historical package tours in the authentic Taiwanese style. These are sure to satisfy your every wish for food, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and transportation. You will have fun traveling around Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung City in an economical and convenient way.

The Unlimited version of Taipei Fun Pass includes entry tickets for the following 12 attractions:

Taipei 101 Observatory, National Palace Museum, the Main Building of Chiang Kai-Shek Shilin Residence (士林官邸正館), Taipei Children’s Amusement Park (台北市兒童新樂園), the Ferris Wheel at Miramar Entertainment Park (美麗華百麗園摩天輪), Tamsui Historical Museum (淡水古蹟博物館), Gold Museum (黃金博物館), Yehliu Geopark, Juming Museum (朱銘美術館), Sky Lantern Police Station (波麗士天燈館), the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology and return boat tickets from Tamsui to Fisherman’s Wharf.

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