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2018/04/06 第402期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 升遷
【本月發燒書】 新制多益聽力考題完全戰略 Basic(16K+MP3)
【好康情報局】 新書快報《高中英單7000魔術記憶:從字首字根記憶英文單字(25K暢銷彩色三版+MP3)》
口語會話 Follow me

Everything will work out for the best.

A: I'm really scared about leaving my hometown and moving to a big city.
B: The big city is where all the good jobs are, and I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends. You'll see. Everything will work out for the best.

A: 要離鄉背井搬到大城市去,我真的很害怕。
B: 大城市集所有很棒的工作機會於一地,我相信你會交到很多新朋友。你等著瞧,一切都會越來越好的。

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升遷 A Promotion

Jacob tells Katharine they'd like to give her more responsibility.

Jacob: I'm sure you know that we're very pleased with the work you've done as a research assistant here. We've noticed how you take initiative and really think outside the box in order to get things done.

Katharine: Thank you.

Jacob: Well, thank you. The point of this is that due to our recent growth and the several new projects we're working on, we need a new analyst, and we'd like you to take on this new role. It would mean more responsibility in terms of assisting project managers and learning to do more complex analyses—and, of course, it would also mean an increase in your salary. Do you think you would be interested in taking on this new role?

Katharine: Absolutely! Thank you very much.

Jacob: That's great news. I'll send you a specific job description and salary range so you can understand a little more about what your different duties would be. Can you give me your official answer by the end of the week?

Katharine: Of course. Thank you for this opportunity.

Jacob 告知Katharine 他們要讓她負責更多職務。

Jacob: 相信你也清楚,我們對你擔任研究助理任內的表現感到非常滿意。我們也注意到你為了達成目標,採取主動積極的態度並跳脫框架去思考。

Katharine: 謝謝你。

Jacob: 我們才要謝謝你。重點是由於最近的成長和我們在做的幾個新專案,我們需要一名新的分析師,希望你能接下此職位。也就是說會有更多的責任,包括協助專案經理、學習做更為複雜的分析,當然這也代表會幫你加薪。你有意要接下這個新職務嗎?

Katharine: 當然沒問題!非常謝謝你。

Jacob: 這真是個好消息。我會將具體的職務說明,還有薪資範圍寄給你,你可以稍微了解職務的不同之處。這週結束前可以給我正式的答覆嗎?

Katharine: 沒問題。謝謝你給我這個機會。

<< 選自Show出職場好英文【二版】(32K +2MP3) >>
新制多益聽力考題完全戰略 Basic(16K+MP3)



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