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2025/01/31 第758期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Discussing Contract Terms 討論合約條款
【英語學習Plus】 When Your Living Room Is Your Office 客廳就是辦公室
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Discussing Contract Terms 討論合約條款

Jacob and Katharine are discussing contract terms with the website designer, Aaron. 雅各跟凱薩琳正在和網站設計師亞倫討論合約條款。

J: Thanks for coming in this morning. You've had a chance to look over the contract, right?

A: Yes, and everything seems nearly in order, at least on my end.

J: I'm glad to hear that. We tried to set up the deliverable schedule exactly according to your work specifications.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「討論合約條款」

When Your Living Room Is Your Office 客廳就是辦公室

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees were told to work from home. In Germany, the number of telecommuters rose from 12 to 25 percent; in Canada, it jumped from under 10 to around 40 percent! For most people, working from home was a new experience that came with both positives and negatives. Without a commute, employees saved both time and money. But for parents with children at home, or even couples sharing a small apartment, working in a crowded space could also be stressful.

On balance, however, telecommuting seemed to be popular with employees. Ninety percent of British workers who telecommuted during the pandemic said they would like the arrangement to continue. Surprisingly, it was equally popular with bosses. Just over half of American managers were pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of home working. The chart on the next page contains further statistics on COVID-19 and telecommuting:

25% of American business owners bought new digital tools in March 2020.
35% of American office workers had switched to telecommuting by April 2020.
43% of British people worked from home during April 2020, compared to 6% before the virus.
37% of office jobs in the United States could be done from home, according to the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics.
30% of staff at Google and Facebook continued to work in US offices during 2020.
40% of German people who telecommuted during the virus wanted to continue doing so occasionally.
71% of French people who telecommuted during the virus wanted to continue doing so occasionally.

It's highly possible that the trend of telecommuting will continue beyond the virus years. Skeptics suggest that workers are less productive at home, though only 30 percent of UK workers agree. Forty percent said they were equally productive at home and in the office, and 30 percent actually did more from the comfort of their living rooms! It is possible that home workers feel less stressed, making them better employees—but the longerterm economic effects of this social shift are yet to be understood.



25% 的美國業主於2020 年3 月購入新的數位工具。
35% 的美國辦公室勞工,在2020 年4 月之前轉換為遠距工作的模式。
43% 的英國人於2020 年4 月期間在家工作,相較病毒爆發前的6%。
37% 的美國辦公室職務可在家完成(根據貝克•費里曼經濟研究所的資料)
30% 的Google 和臉書員工,於2020 年期間繼續在美國辦公室裡工作。
40% 的德國人於病毒疫情期間遠距工作,並希望能偶爾繼續此一模式。
71% 的法國人於病毒疫情期間遠距工作,並希望能偶爾繼續此一模式。




焦點英語閱讀 2:六招打造核心素養閱讀力 學測熱門推薦用書!【三版】(加贈寂天雲Mebook互動學習APP)


小美人魚The Little Mermaid 【Grade 1經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)

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