Digging Into the Mysterious Monsters of Japan’s Folklore/日本鬼無所不在 西方國家著迷妖怪世界

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2015/06/12 第76期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Digging Into the Mysterious Monsters of Japan's Folklore/日本鬼無所不在 西方國家著迷妖怪世界
'Gaming Fuel' Sales to Young Raise Health Issues/能量飲料鎖定電玩客惹議 美專家:咖啡因影響青少年
Digging Into the Mysterious Monsters of Japan's Folklore/日本鬼無所不在 西方國家著迷妖怪世界
Tanuki, the badger-like, shape-shifting creatures of Japanese lore, are a rascally bunch. In one tale, a tanuki kills an old woman and makes soup out of her, then takes her form and feeds the soup to her husband.


Fantastical monsters like the tanuki abound in Michael Dylan Foster's "The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore", one of several books about yokai that have hit American shelves this year.


圖擷自University of California

Zack Davisson's "Yurei: The Japanese Ghost", takes a critical look at the history of some of Japan's most dreaded and beloved spooks. Both are scholarly texts enlivened by images of the beasts in scroll paintings, woodblock prints and original illustrations.


Michael Goldstein's "Yokai Character Collection" is more pictorial. It has the gruesome look and feel of a Dungeons & Dragons manual.


And then there's Matthew Meyer's forthcoming "The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits," an encyclopedic look at yokai that includes notes on each creature's appearance, behavior and favorite hangouts. It is a coffee-table book that doubles as an illustrated guide, full of legends and obscure yokai trivia.


Why the recent crop of yokai books? People have been exposed to the creatures through a steady stream of Japanese cultural exports. Haruki Murakami has included several in his novels, while hordes have appeared in the films of Hayao Miyazaki. Even more have depicted in video games and trading cards.


Pokémon, the multibillion-dollar toy and video game empire, bases many of its characters on yokai. So does the video game and anime series "Yo-Kai Watch." All those monsters have inspired fans to seek out the original texts.


"The students who come into the fields of Japanese literature and folklore as undergraduates are heavily influenced by popular culture," said Mr. Foster an Indiana University professor and author of "Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yokai." "They grow up with these things through anime and manga and want to know where they come from."


The yokai themselves are everywhere in Japan, in films and cartoons, on billboards and even on beer bottle labels.


Relatively few of the thousands of texts and scholarly studies about yokai have been translated from Japanese, which makes these latest books all the more valuable to nonfluent seekers of the original tales.


In "The Book of Yokai," Mr. Foster draws from texts and folk tales from the works of the 10th-century writer Abe no Seimei to the tales of the early-20th-century scholar and avid story collector Kunio Yanagita, considered one of the founders of Japanese folklore studies.


New texts and stories are still being discovered and translated.


Among the creepiest of yokai are the yurei, spirits of the dead. In "Yurei: The Japanese Ghost," Mr. Davisson, a translator of a number of classic manga, profiles several yurei. Two of the most famous are the tragic Okiku, a young girl who threw herself down a well (or was thrown) after breaking one of her master's prized dishes, and Oiwa, a hapless wife cursed with a bad husband.


Yurei have inspired paintings and illustrations over the centuries, but perhaps the most influential is Maruyama Okyo's "The Ghost of Oyuki" (1750), a portrait that the artist made of his recently deceased lover. Her ghost – long black hair, pale clothing, no feet – appeared to him in a dream, and his painting set the visual mold for every Japanese ghost to come, from paintings and prints to Kabuki characters and horror films.


"After that painting," Mr. Davisson said, "that's how they all looked."


Fans love tracking these evolutions, as well as learning every bit of information about as many yokai as they can. This might explain why a lot of these books, scholarly or not, have the look and feel of illustrated encyclopedias, with detailed descriptions of scores of creatures.


Why do the centuries-old monsters continue to fascinate? "There's the mystery of the world about them," said Bill Tsutsui, a Japanologist. "You get that in this folkloric sense of the past: that the real world around us is beautiful and wonderful, and yet can be really horrible, too."


'Gaming Fuel' Sales to Young Raise Health Issues/能量飲料鎖定電玩客惹議 美專家:咖啡因影響青少年
Two popular video gamers posed as snipers wielding real semi-automatic guns at an outdoor range, blasting orbs of fruit and cups of deep orange liquid in ultra slow motion. "Introducing Blood Orange," announced a video of the spectacle.


In the days afterward, online followers ordered tubs of the latest flavor of a powdered energy drink called G Fuel that is marketed as a secret sauce to enhance focus and endurance for virtual battles.

幾天後,線上玩家大量訂購最新口味的沖泡能量飲料G Fuel,號稱由秘方調製,能提升線上遊戲玩家的注意力和耐力。

"Oh, this is gonna taste so good!" exclaimed one cherub-faced YouTuber.



G Fuel and a competitor called GungHo are a new incarnation of energy drink, growing in popularity while the energy drink industry has been under scrutiny because of deaths and hospitalizations linked to consumption of caffeine- and sugar-laden beverages. Traditional energy drink makers have played to the growing gamer culture too.

在飲料含過量咖啡因和糖分導致住院甚至死亡案例,整個能量飲料界受到嚴密檢視之際,G Fuel和競爭對手GungHo代表愈來愈受歡迎的新一代能量飲料。傳統能量飲料業者也迎合規模日增的遊戲文化。

Dr. Marcie Schneider, an adolescent-medicine specialist in Greenwich, Connecticut, worries that most parents do not recognize the dangers of the drinks.


"I feel like we have a better sense of how many kids are smoking pot than how many kids are using energy drinks," Dr. Schneider said. She was an author of a study for the American Academy of Pediatrics that recommended that children and adolescents should never consume energy drinks because of caffeine's potential to disturb sleeping patterns, increase heart rates and slow brain development.


The industry is tapping into the celebrity allure and online fan base of "professional e-athletes," analysts say, with sponsorships of gaming competitions and players. Gamma Labs, the company selling G Fuel, heavily promotes a Call of Duty clan including those would-be snipers in the video ad.

分析家說,能量飲料產業以贊助遊戲比賽和玩家的方式,開發名人魅力和「職業級電子運動員」的線上粉絲基本盤。生產G Fuel的伽瑪實驗室就強力宣傳《使命召喚》遊戲俱樂部,其中就包括那些在廣告裡扮演狙擊手的玩家。

While major energy drink makers – including Red Bull, Rockstar and Monster – voluntarily agreed to stop marketing to children under 12, a United States congressional report released this year excoriated those companies and others for continuing to target teenagers.


The newer gamer drinks are sugar-free and vitamin-infused, but they often contain caffeine that rivals or exceeds that of some other well-known products, according to Caffeine Informer, which provides information on caffeine levels in food and drink.


But business is still booming. Sales of energy drinks and shots internationally are projected to rise to $21 billion by 2017 from $12.5 billion in 2012, according to Packaged Facts, a publisher of market research.

這門生意依然興旺。市調出版商Packaged Facts估計,能量飲料和濃縮能量飲料的國際營業額,2017年預計會從2012年的125億美元增至210億美元。

In Melbourne, Australia, Finlay Sturzaker spent 100 Australian dollars to order several tubs of a powdered G Fuel drink, only to have his father confiscate it, he said. Finlay, 14, said he found out about the drink on YouTube through the FaZe Call of Duty clan in the commercials.

在澳洲墨爾本,芬利.司徒柴克花了100澳元訂購了大量G Fuel飲料粉,全被父親沒收。芬利今年14歲,他說在YouTube上的《使命召喚》FaZe俱樂部頻道看到G Fuel的廣告。

"It makes me more focused while playing Call of Duty and I definitely see improvement, and it gives me very natural energy," he said. G Fuel's caffeine content, 150 milligrams per 355 milliliters, is higher than many of the Monster and Red Bull drinks, according to Caffeine Informer.

芬利說:「G Fuel能使我在玩《使命召喚》時更加專注,我肯定看到進步,飲料給我一股很自然的力量。」「咖啡因資訊提供者」統計,G Fuel每355毫升含有150毫克的咖啡因,含量比怪物高能和紅牛的許多產品都要高。

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has asked energy drink makers for more data on caffeine. Caffeine is not the only concern, Dr. Schneider said. Taurine and guarana, a plant extract, also act as stimulants, she said.


Ethan Yorke, a high school junior in California, said drinking G Fuel helped him improve his home run average significantly on a baseball video game he plays.

加州高中生伊森.約克說,喝G Fuel讓他玩棒球電玩時多打出很多支全壘打。

"It really feels like you have genuine energy, like you've just had a 30-minute-to-an-hour nap," he said. "And you just have pure energy."

「喝G Fuel真的能讓你感覺精神煥發,就像是小睡30分鐘到1小時,」他說:「渾身是勁」。

玉井芒果多汁 飽滿酸甜好滋味

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