睡一宿好覺 Getting a Good Night's Sleep

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睡一宿好覺 Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Your body must refurbish itself by getting enough good sleep in order to stay healthy. Moreover, daytime sleepiness can negatively affect your work, studies, relationships, and socioeconomic condition. The purpose of this article is to help you to understand what may be going on when you experience insomnia and to offer some simple remedies that may save you from unnecessary distress.

Sometimes, when your schedule changes, for instance, your body needs a period of adjustment of a week or two. At other times, you may have been too physically active right before bedtime and made yourself wide awake. It is good to exercise every day for thirty minutes, but not close to bedtime.Sometimes, when your schedule changes, for instance, your body needs a period of adjustment of a week or two. At other times, you may have been too physically active right before bedtime and made yourself wide awake. It is good to exercise every day for thirty minutes, but not close to bedtime.

Another way that you may become wide awake late at night is by being too mentally active. Do not do your work or watch television in bed, but instead give yourself about a two-hour period of calm. It might be beneficial to keep a personal journal. In this way, you can write down the problems you may need to address the following day. It’s better to write them down than to lie awake thinking about them.

Take a hot shower or bath, or visit the sauna as a way of getting ready for bed. When your body’s temperature is raised at night, it will fall at bedtime, assisting you in falling asleep. Go to the bathroom before going to bed, so that it is less likely that you’ll have to get up during the night. can cause sleep apnea. Caffeine may cause insomnia if you consume it in the afternoon, because it does not metabolize efficiently. In addition, don’t drink alcohol before bed, because it keeps you from sleeping deeply. What is best, however, is to eat a small portion of high-protein food several hours before bedtime, such as a small plate of crackers and peanut butter, for this helps the essential amino acid, L-tryptophan, to produce melatonin, a hormone that controls sleep.

Sleeplessness can be a matter of one night, or it may go on indefinitely. It is good to remember how to rectify the situation so that you’re not anxious about not getting enough rest for the next day’s challenges.


舉例來說,有時候當你的日常生活有所變動時,你的身體會需要一到兩週的時間來做調整。又有時候,你也許會在睡前做一些導致異常清醒的激烈運動。每天運動30 分鐘是件好事,但要離就寢時間遠一點。




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