Inspiring young minds with ‘Tomorrowland’ 激勵年輕心志的《明日世界》

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2015/06/02 第338期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Taiwan film gains international recognition at Cannes

Taiwan's Hou takes the best director accolade in Cannes

Renowned Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-hsien took home the accolade of Best Director at the 68th annual Cannes Film Festival for his first historical martial arts piece, "The Assassin." Although the movie did not win the festival's biggest award, the Palme d'Or, as many had hoped, the achievement has nonetheless been hailed as Hou's biggest win from the seven times the director has taken part in the festival. 台灣傑出導演侯孝賢在第六十八屆坎城影展以個人首部歷史武俠片《刺客聶隱娘》摘下最佳導演獎的桂冠。雖然這部電影並未如眾人預期榮獲坎城影展最高榮譽「金棕櫚獎」,但這項成就無疑已是侯孝賢角逐坎城影展七次以來最大的勝利。
When accepting the award, Hou said he feels that being given the award after participating in the festival seven times is a great motivator for him, as it is hard to shoot and find supporters to fund filmmaking. The director went on to thank his leading Taiwanese stars Shu Qi and Chang Chen, as well as his entire crew for making the win a possibility, followed by a final thank-you delivered in French. 侯孝賢在領獎時表示,七度參加坎城影展以來,他覺得此次獲獎對他是很大的鼓勵,因為拍電影很不容易,尤其籌資更不容易。他也感激片中主角台灣影星舒淇和張震,以及整個電影團隊的同心協力才讓得獎成真。最後,侯孝賢以法文致上感謝。
Following his win, Hou attended a joint press interview where he said that culture is a unique human attribute and the result of the accumulation of time. As such, movies about people filmed anywhere in the world could be screened and understood by all. In response to whether he feels regret at not winning the Palme d'Or, Hou said that everyone struggles with the problem of winning when entering film festivals anywhere. However, he does not trouble himself with such problems, since what matters to him most at the end of the day is what he has made, what the significance of his production is, and if he understands what he wants to make. "Creators must not think that they must win," said Hou. 在得獎之後,侯孝賢出席媒體記者會時表示,文化是時間累積而成的人類生活特性,因此,在任何角落拍攝關於人的電影,全世界都能懂。侯孝賢在被問及錯失金棕櫚獎是否有遺憾時說,參加任何影展都有得不得獎的問題,但這對他並不是一個問題,重點是到最後他完成了什麼,他拍攝的電影有何重要性,以及他是否了解自己想交出什麼樣的作品。他說:「創作者絕不能想著一定要得獎。」
Before Hou was presented with the best director accolade, local composer Lim Giong scored the first win for "The Assassin" by winning the Cannes Soundtrack Award for his work on the movie. Although Lim was not present to receive the award, the composer previously gave the director his gratitude for encouraging him to pursue his career as a film composer when Lim took home the Best Original Film Score award at the 50th Annual Golden Horse Awards for his work on the film "A Touch of Sin," which won the Cannes Best Screenplay Award back in 2013. 在侯孝賢獲頒最佳導演獎之前,為《刺客聶隱娘》製作配樂的台灣作曲家林強率先榮獲「坎城電影原聲帶獎」。雖然林強並未出席領獎,但他先前已向侯導致上謝意。林強表示,在他為榮獲二○一三年坎城影展「最佳劇本獎」的電影《天注定》製作配樂,並獲頒第五十屆金馬獎「最佳原創電影音樂」後,侯導曾鼓勵他以電影配樂為職志。
For his success, Hou will receive a cash reward of NT$5 million from the Taiwan government for winning the Best Director Award at the Cannes Film Festival. The director will also be given an additional NT$500,000 for making it into the main competition of the festival. 在成功拿下坎城影展最佳導演獎後,侯孝賢將可獲文化部頒發五百萬元新台幣的獎金,而因為電影成功入圍坎城影展,他也可獲得額外的五十萬元獎金。
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本文來自Student Post 1434期
5月31日 – 6月6日, 2015
Inspiring young minds with 'Tomorrowland'      

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