Love Has No Labels  幸『蝠』的愛

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2015/06/02 第216期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Love Has No Labels  幸『蝠』的愛
by Bruce E. Bagnell

Every creature deserves to be treated with care and respect.

  There are nearly a thousand species of the rarely seen but much feared bat in the world, representing about one-fourth of all mammalian species. Most bats eat insects, helping to control their populations. Fruit bats, as their name suggests, eat fruits and flowers, helping to _(1)_ many plant species. These bats are larger than most others of their kind and _(2)_ scent rather than a kind of radar called echolocation that most bats use. Unfortunately for the fruit bats _(3)_ in the rainforests of northeastern Australia, these creatures have been suffering from an imported South American tick that has been killing them off.
  In Australia, there is a Tolga Bat Hospital which exclusively adopts baby bats that are sick and abandoned. In response _(4)_ the plague killing off the local fruit bats, a group of dedicated biologists and animal lovers scours the jungle for baby bats that have fallen from the trees after their mothers die of the tick disease. Caregivers do their _(5)_ best to nurse the fledgling bats back to health by feeding them milk, something all baby mammals must have. _(6)_ in human hospitals, the babies are wrapped in small blankets and fed every few hours and cleaned. After a few months, the little critters are ready for their first test flight back into their natural environment. The Tolga Bat Hospital has saved hundreds of baby bats in this way.
  People need to appreciate that all life forms are _(7)_ care and respect, as most religions believe. Every being deserves the chance to discover their purpose on planet Earth. We should honor the wisdom of nature by living in harmony with all animals and protecting them from harm.

1. (A) assassinate  (B) intoxicate  (C) captivate  (D) pollinate
2. (A) comply with  (B) rely on  (C) usher in  (D) inquire into
3. (A) live  (B) living  (C) lived  (D) to live
4. (A) under  (B) upon  (C) to  (D) at
5. (A) level  (B) cover  (C) force  (D) intent
6. (A) Unless  (B) Whereas  (C) Once  (D) As
7. (A) cut out for  (B) no stranger to  (C) worthy of  (D) biased against

  1. Fruit bats, as their name suggests, eat fruits and flowers, helping to pollinate many plant species.
    a. (A) assassinate vt. 暗殺(常用被動語態)
    The senator was assassinated while he was giving a speech last week.
    (B) intoxicate vt. 使陶醉
    衍: be intoxicated by / with...  沉醉於……
    Leo is intoxicated with the tranquility of country life.
    *tranquility n. 寧靜
    (C) captivate vt. 使著迷
    衍: be captivated by / with...  著迷於……
    I was captivated by the beautiful girl's smile.
    (D) pollinate vt. 為(植物)授花粉
    Many kinds of plants, trees and grasses need bees to pollinate them.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  2. These bats are larger than most others of their kind and rely on scent rather than a kind of radar called echolocation that most bats use.
    a. (A) comply with...  遵守……
    同: conform to...
    = abide by...
    = obey...
    There will be serious consequences if you don't comply with the regulations.
    (B) rely on...  依靠/依賴……
    The islanders rely mainly on boats to travel to and from the mainland.
    (C) usher in...  開創/帶來……
    usher vt. 開創;迎接
    The creation of the Internet has ushered in a new era in communications.
    (D) inquire into...  調查……
    同: look into...
    The police are inquiring into the financial dealings between the two firms.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  3. Unfortunately for the fruit bats living in the rainforests of northeastern Australia, these creatures have been suffering from an imported South American tick that has been killing them off.
    a. 原句實為:
    Unfortunately for the fruit bats which live in the rainforests of northeastern Australia...
    b. 上句劃線部份為關係代名詞 which 引導的形容詞子句,用以修飾 fruit bats。
    c. 形容詞子句中若關係代名詞作主詞且之前無逗點時(即限定修飾),可將該形容詞子句化簡成分詞片語。首先將關係代名詞刪除,之後的動詞變成現在分詞;若動詞為 be 動詞,變成現在分詞 being 後,可將 being 省略。
    The fish which were tested were full of toxic chemicals.
    → The fish tested were full of toxic chemicals.
    d. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  4. In response to the plague killing off the local fruit bats, a group of dedicated biologists and animal lovers scours the jungle...
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    in response to...  因應/回應……
    In response to your inquiry, there are no job openings at the moment.
    b. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  5. Caregivers do their level best to nurse the fledgling bats back to health by feeding them milk, something all baby mammals must have.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    do one's level best to V  竭盡全力/不遺餘力(做)??
    同: do one's best / utmost to V
    Mark is doing his level best to quit smoking for the sake of his baby's health.
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. As in human hospitals, the babies are wrapped in small blankets and fed every few hours and cleaned.
    a. (A) unless conj. 除非
    Unless you make a reservation in advance, you won't get a table at that restaurant.
    (B) whereas conj. 反之,卻
    Some people like the movie adaptation, whereas others don't.
    (C) once conj. 一……就……
    The decision took about 10 seconds to make once Henry had read the news.
    (D) as conj. 正如……
    As we all know, global warming may pose a potential threat to human survival.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  7. People need to appreciate that all life forms are worthy of care and respect, as most religions believe.
    a. (A) be cut out for...  能勝任……
    同: be competent for...
    In my opinion, Sam is not cut out for the job and will quit sooner or later.
    (B) be no stranger to...  對……不陌生/司空見慣
    The employees in this company are no strangers to working overtime.
    (C) be worthy of N/V-ing  值得……
    Anyone who likes to help others is worthy of praise.
    (D) be biased against...  對……有偏見
    同: have a bias against...
    It is clear that this company has a strong bias against women.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. label n. 標籤 & vt. 貼標籤
    Mom put labels on the medicine bottles so that we could easily distinguish them.
    Those food products were taken off the shelves and labeled as poisonous.
  2. deserve vt. 應得 & vi. 應受賞(罰)
    衍: deserve to V  應得……
    I always believe that bad guys will get what they deserve.
    That film doesn't deserve to be mentioned.
  3. represent vt. 呈現;代表
  4. population n. 動物或植物的總數
  5. radar n. 雷達
    衍: sonar n. 聲納
    Radar detected three enemy submarines in our waters just moments ago.
  6. imported a. 外來的,進口的
    衍: import vt. 進口;意味著(= mean)
    The government lifted the restrictions on the sale of imported fruit.
    The general manager's words imported that some employees might be laid off soon.
  7. exclusively adv. 專門地
    衍: exclusive a. 獨家的
    an exclusive report / interview  獨家報導/訪談
    exclusive coverage  獨家新聞報導
    The company built a recreation center exclusively for the employees.
  8. adopt vt. 收養,領養
    After several years of waiting, the couple was finally able to adopt a child.
  9. abandoned a. 被遺棄的;廢棄的
    The abandoned building is scheduled to be torn down this afternoon.
  10. scour vt. 走遍某地尋找
    The police scoured the area looking for the lost child.
  11. caregiver n. 護理人員
    同: carer n.
  12. nurse vt. 照料;給……餵奶
    衍: nursing n. 看護,護理
    Barry has been nursing his elderly sister for over 20 years and has never complained.
    The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home.
  13. appreciate vt. 領會;感激
    I don't think you appreciate the seriousness of this situation.
    Anna appreciates everything you've done for her.
  14. wisdom n. 智慧;學問
    Buddha was a man of great wisdom.

mammalian a. 哺乳動物的
echolocation n. 回聲定位(法)
tick n. 蜱蝨(一種吸血為食的蟲類)
plague n. 禍患;瘟疫
biologist n. 生物學家
fledgling a. 正在學飛的(小鳥)
critter n. 生物(尤指動物)
life form n. 生物;生命形態

  1. kill... off / kill off...  使……滅絕
  2. die of...  死於……(疾病、饑餓、年老等)
    衍: die from...  死於……(意外事故、受傷等)
    I heard that someone died of a heart attack while watching that horror movie.
    The man died from a deadly blow to his head.
  3. be wrapped in...  以……包裹
    wrap vt. 包,裹住
    The mountain top is wrapped in mist.
  4. in harmony  和諧地
    同: harmoniously adv.
    We are trying to build a society where people can live in harmony.

答案: 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C

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