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2016/05/27 第306期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 母親節的由來(2)
【本月發燒書】 FUN學英語故事閱讀訓練 1
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  A promise is a promise. 一諾千金。
A:You said you'd give me 100 dollars if I lost ten pounds and I did. A promise is a promise, so give me the money.
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However, the holiday celebrated today in the United States has much more recent roots and is largely attributed to the work of one woman, Ms. Anna Jarvis. Ms. Jarvis's mother was an extraordinary woman. She was the mother of 11 children and was also an activist during the American Civil War. Ms. Jarvis loved her mother dearly. When she died on May 10, 1905, Ms. Jarvis was devastated and vowed to dedicate her life to honoring her mother.

In 1908, Ms. Jarvis held a celebration for mothers in her local church. She gave white carnations to the parishioners who attended the celebration because those were her mother's favorite flower. In the following years, she started a large letter-writing campaign to establish an official holiday for all mothers. In 1910, the governor of West Virginia declared the second Sunday in May a state holiday and named it Mother's Day. Many other states followed suit, and in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially made Mother's Day a national holiday.

然而,今日美國慶祝的母親節的主要幕後推手是安娜.賈維斯女士,賈維斯女士的母親是位傑出女性,她育有11 名子女且在美國內戰時是一位倡議分子。賈維斯女士十分深愛她的母親,當她母親於1905年五月十日逝世時,她大受打擊,並誓言要將她的生命致力於榮耀母親。

1908 年時,賈維斯女士在當地教會籌辦一場專為母親舉辦的慶祝活動,她給蒞臨的會眾白康乃馨,因為這是她母親生前最愛的花。爾後幾年,她開啟一場大型的寫信請願活動,希望能建立一個給所有母親的正式節日。1910 年時,西維吉尼亞的州長宣布五月的第二個星期日為州立節日,並命名為「母親節」。許多其 他州紛紛仿效,到1914 年時,伍德羅.威爾遜總統正式將母親節立為國定節慶。

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FUN學英語故事閱讀訓練 1
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