"Pay as You Trash" 韓國丟棄食物要付費

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2016/05/30 第189期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

"Pay as You Trash" 韓國丟棄食物要付費

(A) 過度的
(B) 瀝乾
(C) 高達(數字、金額)

In a bid to control the nation's growing problem with food wastage, the South Korean government has started a unique initiative – "Pay as You Trash". Residents are required to separate their food waste from the rest of their trash and dump it separately in a centralised bin. And in order to access the bin, they actually need to pay by the kilo.

Even before the pay-by-weight system was introduced, South Koreans were still being charged for food waste – the cost was simply divided equally among the tenants of each apartment block. The new system is not only fair, but is also designed to make consumers really (1) feel the pinch of (A) excessive waste. The more food they (2) toss out, the more they end up paying.

And it's working – residents like Seoul housewife Ms. Kwan are now adopting innovative methods to avoid food waste. She makes sure to (B) strain all the liquid out of leftover food before throwing it away. She also separates fresh produce and other food items into smaller portions so that only the required amount of ingredients are used per meal. While prepping vegetables, she tries to make use of as much of the edible parts as possible, in an effort to minimize waste.

"People used to buy a lot of food and throw away leftovers without much care," said Yu Gwang Mo, a government official from Seoul's Mapo district. "After realising they have to pay for how much they throw, they have started to control their food purchase."
「人們過去會買大量食物,輕易丟棄剩菜,」首爾麻浦區的政府官員Yu Gwang Mo說。「知道丟棄的食物都要付費後,就開始控制食物購買量。」

Restaurants and other food-based businesses are also actively trying to reduce their pay-by-weight disposal bill, by having their own food waste processor – a machine that converts food scraps into dried powder that can be used as fertilizer. Some restaurants are actively trying to reduce the amount of food they waste by donating leftovers to the poor and hungry.

According to official surveys, food waste in South Korea accounts for 28 percent of total waste by volume. 30 percent of this comes from leftovers, while 5 percent of the wasted food is thrown away uneaten. In smaller restaurants, leftovers account for 68 percent of all food wasted. Disposal of this kind of waste costs the government a (C) whopping 800 billion won per year. Through various initiatives such as "Pay as You Trash", the government has managed to cut food waste from 5.1 million tons in 2008 to 4.82 million tons in 2014.

1. feel the pinch 感到手頭拮据;因為經濟因素而感到吃緊
Consumers have felt the pinch of higher gasoline prices.

 2. toss out 拋棄、丟棄
He opened the window and toss the ball out.
toss out在棒球場上則是指「驅逐出場」的意思。



  1. We would like to express our appreciation for our customers. 向客戶致上感謝。
  2. Do you prepare woollen blankets in the store? 店裡備有毛毯出售嗎?
  3. Please make photos to DVD and send it to the contractor. 請把照片做成DVD,並寄給承包廠商。
  4. My boss has abundant experience in this field. 我老板在此領域有豐富經驗。
  5. Thank you for your custom forever and ever. 感謝您多次惠顧。


  1. We would like to express our appreciation to our customers. express(表達)後面接的是「對象」時,介系詞用to;接的是「理由」時,介系詞用for,例:We would like to express our appreciation to our customers for their loyal support.
  2. Do you carry woollen blankets in the store? carry除了常見的「裝載」之意,亦可解釋為「商店備有貨品」、「有…出售」。
  3. Please copy photos to DVD and send it to the contractor. 中文說「做」,但英文用make並不能精準傳達其動作,應改為copy(複製)或transfer(轉檔)為宜。
  4. My boss has extensive experience in this field. 看到「豐富」,會立即聯想到abundant這個具有「量化」概念的形容詞,但指經驗時,應該用具有「範圍」概念的extensive(廣泛的、廣大的)。
  5. Thank you for your custom; we look forward to your future patronage. forever and ever使用的對象通常是非常親密的人,不適合與商業用語custom(惠顧)混用。

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