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2016/05/02 第184期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


(A) 至關重要
(B) 受試者
(C) 高估

 We spend 1/3 of our entire life sleeping. Good sleep quality is (A) vital to our health and productivity. But come on, (1) haven’t we heard it all before. The point is how many hours of sleep leads to the highest performance and quality of life? Let's see what the study has to say.

 The results from one study show that (B) subjects who were allowed to sleep eight hours per night had the highest performance on average. Subjects who slept only four hours a night did worse each day. The group who got six hours of sleep seemed to (2) hang in there, until around day 10 of the study. After they slept six hours per day, for two weeks, they performed as poorly as those who were forced to keep their eyes open for two days straight.

The thing is that we have no idea how much time we actually spend in bed. A sleep study published in Epidemiology, shows people generally (C) overestimate their sleep by around 0.8 hours. In fact, you don't sleep as much as you think!
問題是我們也不知道自己到底睡了多久。一份在《流行病學》期刊上所發表的睡眠研究顯示,人通常會高估自己的睡眠約 0.8個小時。事實上你根本睡得比想像中還少。

Getting enough sleep is (3) easier said than done, but the following experts' advice probably gives us some food for thought: Have a consistent bedtime; don't look at electronic screens at least 30 minutes before bed, drink less, and get enough exercise.

1. We've heard it all before. 老生常談
A. I promise I'll get up early tomorrow. 我保證明天一定會早起。
B. Yawn, we've heard it all before. 拜託!聽你說過一百遍了。

2. Hang in there. 撐得住
Don't worry. I am not drunk. I can still hang in there.

3. Easier said than done 知易行難
A: I am going to read a book a week. 
B: Easier said than done. Why don’t you start with a book a month? 





  1. Welcome you to my house! 歡迎你來我家!
  2. I’m going into an elevator. I will not receive the signal. 我要進電梯了,會收不到訊號。
  3. I’ll take good care of the baby. I will not let you worry. 我會好好照顧寶寶,不會讓你擔心
  4. You need a towel? Give you. 你需要毛巾?給你。
  5. How do you first think of her? 你對她的初次印象如何?


  1. It’s good to have you over! 主人向賓客表示歡迎,美式口語通常說It’s good to have you over或I’m so happy to have you over.
  2. I’m going into an elevator. I’m going to lose you. 「收不到訊號」不可直譯成not receive the signal,道地的說法是lose you,也可以說bad connection。
  3. I’ll take good care of the baby. Don’t worry about that. will not let you worry文法上沒有錯,但說法上極不自然,只要簡單說don’t worry about that即可。
  4. You need a towel? Here you are. 中文的「給你」不可直譯成give you,正確說法是here you are。
  5. How do you strike her?  think of是「想到、考慮」,用在此處不適合。口語上表示對人有什麼印象,可以用strike這個動詞。strike在此不是「打」的意思,而是指「留下什麼印象」。

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