Seeking Access to Facebook in China, Zuckerberg Courts Risks/臉書企圖進軍中國 高調祖克柏走險棋?

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2016/05/20 第123期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Seeking Access to Facebook in China, Zuckerberg Courts Risks/臉書企圖進軍中國 高調祖克柏走險棋?
Seeking Access to Facebook in China, Zuckerberg Courts Risks/臉書企圖進軍中國 高調祖克柏走險棋?
Paul Mozur

In terms of publicity, it has been a great weekend for Mark Zuckerberg in China.

Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder, returned to Beijing for yet another trip that drew local headlines and captivated online China. He wrote a post that went viral about a jog through Tiananmen Square; held a widely covered conversation with China's best-known entrepreneur, Jack Ma of Alibaba; and on Saturday met with one of the most powerful men in China, Liu Yunshan, the country's propaganda chief.



It followed previous trips in which Zuckerberg impressed Chinese audiences with his rookie Chinese language skills and spoke about his fascination with the country. Even while outside China, he met with China's president, Xi Jinping; told a Chinese official he was reading a book of Xi's words; and gave his newborn daughter, Max, a Chinese name. (It is Chen Mingyu.)

The visits have cemented his place as one of the best-known foreign business executives in China. But it is far from clear whether his charm offensive will unlock Zuckerberg's ultimate goal: persuading the Chinese government to lift its ban on the social media service and open it to the country's almost 700 million Internet users.



Courting Chinese leaders in such a public fashion is an unusual strategy for a foreign executive. With star power comes influence, and any clout not directly controlled by the Chinese Communist Party can be deemed dangerous.

The few U.S. technology firms that have entered China in recent years have played down their efforts. Though Travis Kalanick, a co-founder of Uber, frequently travels to China, news of his presence rarely spreads across the Chinese Internet. There was almost no fanfare before LinkedIn's deal with two closely connected Chinese venture capital shops to enter China, an event that was marked with a blog post.



If Zuckerberg succeeds, it could show other foreign companies blocked in China that they have a potential path into the huge and fast-growing market — one that calls for them to accept China's strict controls on discourse and to refrain from rocking the boat. A failure would underscore Chinese distrust of foreign technology companies and cement the idea that the low-profile approach is the only way to gain market access.



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