Youth Hostels: Legal, Affordable Accommodation for International Travelers

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2016/05/19 第149期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Taipei
Youth Hostels: Legal, Affordable Accommodation for International Travelers
Youth Hostels: Legal, Affordable Accommodation for International Travelers
With the rise of Taipei City’s tourism industry, there is increasing demand for accommodation. According to statistics, as of December 31st, 2015 there were 502 hotels of all price levels in Taipei City. Among them, there is no lack of affordable hotels with rooms at NT$1,500 and below per night. For travelers from Taiwan and abroad, youth hostels are a good choice, and there is ample supply.

“We are not selling accommodation. We are managing the friendliness of Taiwan’s people.” Xiao Zongren (蕭宗仁), general manager of Homey Hostel (紅米國際青年旅館), says that this is his and his younger sister’s intention in creating this establishment. He also notes that he is grateful for his decision to manage this youth hostel. Xiao originally worked in the finance industry, which is all about money, and after dealing with cold, hard numbers, he decided to enter the youth-hostel industry, which is all about people. Each day, he has the opportunity to meet tourists and backpackers from all over the world, and has made a lot of friends in his effort to promote Taiwan through people-to-people diplomacy. All of this has all brought him a great sense of achievement. He happily notes that he makes friends through the sightseeing information and services, as well as accommodation, offered by Homey Hostel, and he provides these friends with a more authentic experience of Taipei. Many travelers on return trips to Taipei come back to Homey Hostel with their own friends or family members. Says Xiao: “Homey Hostel is their home in Taipei.”

Homey Hostel is located near the Taipei Main Station, and has 150 beds. About 95 percent of its guests are foreign backpackers. Xiao explains that, “The vitality of a city’s tourism industry can best be felt in its hostels.” He gives a guided tour of Homey Hostel introducing its features, including its spacious, bright, and highly innovative lobby, shared kitchen, shared bathrooms with separate wet and dry areas, IC key cards, and brightly colored, eye-catching beds and cabinets. Every bed has a personal reading lamp and universal wall socket. Personal lockers are provided, with USB charger ports. There is even a female dorm. Signs are in Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean. In addition, travel tips are provided in different languages, such as on recommended attractions, specialty products, night-market foods, and night views, which guests can look over at their leisure. Guests can place food in the shared refrigerator. If for personal use, they can attach a sticker with their name; if they would like to share the food, they can attach a green sticker – a very thoughtful service. Theme parties are often held to provide entertainment, attracting many of the outgoing and friendly backpackers.

“I am very happy that Homey Hostel is a window for many foreign backpackers to learn about Taipei,” says Xiao. “And I’m proud that Taiwan has so many places that attract tourists. I hope that Homey can continue to improve, and even become one of the top ten youth hostels in the world.” Xiao reminds tourists of the importance of staying in a legal hostel or hotel. “If able to receive a license to operate, this means that the building, safety, fire-prevention measures, cleanliness, insurance, and escape routes have all passed inspection. It also indicates that the management is serious about running the establishment. By choosing this type of place, travelers can relax and enjoy themselves.” Xiao hopes that by providing a safe “shared enjoyment,” affordable living environment, guests can use the money they save on accommodation to experience the beauty of Taipei and Taiwan.

The Taipei City Government’s Department of Information and Tourism (台北市政府觀光傳播局) notes that Taipei City possesses many accommodation options that are clean, conveniently located, and affordable, to satisfy the diverse needs of travelers. A list of the city’s legal accommodation can be found on the Travel Taipei Website (台北旅遊網) and TaiwanStay Website (台灣旅宿網). When making a reservation, it is best to check the hotel’s or hostel’s registration number. Visitors should avoid staying in an illegal short-term rental, even if it seems convenient or inexpensive, to ensure their safety, the safety of their property, and their consumer rights.

Homey Hostel


7F, 180, Chang’an W. Road (長安西路180號7樓)

Travel Taipei Website


TaiwanStay Website



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