Cool New Eats: Stir-fried Ice Cream  「泰」療癒!無法抗拒的炒冰魅力

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2018/04/10 第345期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Cool New Eats: Stir-fried Ice Cream 「泰」療癒!無法抗拒的炒冰魅力
Stir-fried ice cream is a cool trend that is popping up all over the place.



   For a few years, bubble tea was the biggest dessert to come out of Asia. Now, there is a new kid on the block—stir-fried ice cream. This frozen treat was originally sold by street vendors in Thailand and is called i-tim pad or ice pan ice cream. The process takes about two minutes and is nearly as much fun to watch as it is to actually eat the ice cream.
   Instead of using ice cream that is already frozen, vendors use fresh cream. First, a customer orders one of the dozen
or so flavors and ingredients. Then, the person preparing it pours fresh cream and the fruit, candy, or cookies onto a frozen circular plate that looks like a flat top grill. Within seconds, the cream starts to become hard, so two metal spatulas are used to "stir fry" the ice cream and chop up the ingredients into the mixture. Once it is frozen enough, it is spread across the frozen plate and then cut into rolls which are put into a bowl with a topping of your choice. People think that ice cream takes hours to freeze, but this delicious treat can be ready to eat in minutes.












   近幾年來,珍珠茶飲(編按:bubble tea 可泛指所有含珍珠的茶類飲料,也常專指「珍珠奶茶」。)位居亞洲出產的甜品之冠。現在有位新星登場了 —— 那就是炒冰。這種冰凍的美食原為泰國街頭小販所販售,它叫做「i-tim pad」,或稱為「冰板冰淇淋」。其製作過程費時約兩分鐘,且觀看過程幾乎就跟實際吃到冰淇淋一樣有趣。


stir-fry vt. 炒(菜),爆炒
flat top grill n.(立式)平面煎烤爐
spatula n. 鏟;抹刀
topping n.(加在食品上以增添風味或美化的)配料


1. pop up  (突然)出現/發生,冒出來
A cat popped up out of nowhere, giving Claire a good scare.
* give sb a scare  嚇了某人一跳

2. all over the place  到處(都是)
Betty drank too much and ended up throwing up all over the place.

3. bubble n. 珍珠粉圓;氣泡
The little girl enjoyed blowing bubbles in the park.

4. frozen a. 結冰/凍的;冷凍/藏的
freeze vi.(使)結冰/凍結;凍僵
One of Willy's favorite things to do in winter is skating on that frozen lake.
Many people nearly froze to death during that awful snowstorm.

5. ... or so  ……左右/上下
We're broke, so we will be eating instant noodles for the next year or so.

6. ingredient n. 食材,(食品中的)成分
Kevin messed up the recipe by not measuring out the ingredients.

7. circular a. 圓形的;環行的
Pizza doesn't always come in a circular shape.

8. chop up  剁碎,切成小塊
Joe chopped up the wood into small pieces that were about six inches long.


本文 "Now, there is a new kid on the block—stir-fried ice cream." 中的 new kid on the block 字面上看起來像是「街區新來的孩子」,不過它卻是「後起之秀;新生/手」的意思,為非正式用法。另外有一個跟 kid 相關的片語叫 kid stuff,意思為「輕而易舉/單調乏味的事」,也就是俗稱的「小兒科」。例:

This company is the new kid on the block in the fashion industry.

While this book might seem like kid stuff to you, it took me six months to finish.




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