The Wild Hood – Desert Lions 野外黑幫 – 沙漠獅群

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2018/04/10 第359期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Wild Hood – Desert Lions  野外黑幫 – 沙漠獅群
by Evan Witkowski

Lions and antelope play a game of cat and mouse in the desert plains of Africa.



  Prides of lions roam the Nxai Pan in northern Botswana, a lush African plain that reaches as far as the eye can see. Eventually, the rainy season draws to an end. What was once a green paradise full of lakes becomes the largest saltpan desert in the world during the dry season. In National Geographic's The Wild Hood – Desert Lions, the natural order of wildlife is on display amidst one of the harshest terrains in Africa.
  This harrowing nature documentary focuses on two male lions in charge of a large pride that covers a vast territory. The pair of lions has been a dominant force in the Nxai Pan for nearly 10 years, but as they get older and the seasonal conditions become more difficult and deadly, the struggle of life in the desert starts to catch up with them. Their only chance to survive is by sticking together to hunt antelope and gang up on any potential threats.
  Ferocious animal instincts and physical prowess give lions the upper hand when it comes to hunting prey, but they still need to work together if they want to maintain dominance and earn the loyalty of the female lions. Life is hard in the difficult dry season with scarce water sources and relentless heat. Will a younger generation of lions take over the top spot in the pride and leave the older lions to fend for themselves? To find out, tune in to The Wild Hood – Desert Lions on National Geographic. With cameras rolling on the stunning action and scenery, see which animals come out on top in the battle for supremacy of the Nxai Pan desert.


hood n. 社區;鄰近地區(為 neighborhood 之略)
antelope n. 羚羊
pride n.(獅)群
: a pride of lions  一群獅子
lush a. 綠意盎然的;枝葉茂盛的
saltpan n. 鹽盤;鹽田
harrowing a. 令人不安的;令人痛心的
ferocious a. 凶猛的
supremacy n. 最高地位;至高無上
: supreme a. 至高無上的

1. as far as the eye can see  
The desert stretches as far as the eye can see.

2. catch up with...  追上/趕上……
Andy studied hard every weekend to catch up with his classmates.

3. stick together  互相扶持,同甘共苦
Tom and Jerry stuck together in the war.

4. gang up on...  結夥對付……
gang vi. 成群結隊
The bullies ganged up on Jim and took his lunch money.

5. the upper hand  優勢
: get / gain / have the upper hand  占上風
I got the upper hand in the final chess match after I took my opponent's queen.
*opponent n. 對手,敵手

6. fend for oneself  照料自己,自謀生計
: fend off...  避開/擋開……
Michelle learned to fend for herself when she moved to California alone.
The lone soldier fended off the attacks of nine men.

7. come out on top  獲勝,脫穎而出
The soccer coach is sure that his team will come out on top.

1. roam vt. 漫步於,在……來回走動
Sam roamed the streets in search of his lost kitten.

2. amidst prep. 在……之中
The new perfume was launched amidst a fanfare of publicity.
*fanfare n. 大張旗鼓,喧鬧

3. harsh a. 嚴酷的,惡劣的;嚴厲的
I had no idea this plant would be able to thrive under such harsh conditions.

4. terrain n. 地帶;地形,地勢
The eastern part of the island is known for its rugged terrain and rocky coastline.
*rugged a. 崎嶇的
coastline n. 海岸線

5. territory n. 領土,領地
: territorial a. 領土的
The two countries are fighting over a small piece of territory.
That country tried to claim territorial rights over the island.

6. dominant a. 主導的;占優勢的
: dominance n. 支配(地位);優勢
Teamwork plays a dominant role in achieving success.
The firm soon achieved complete dominance in the marketplace.

7. deadly a. 致命的
: fatal a.
Try to stay alert when you're driving. Dozing off can be deadly.

8. instinct n. 本能,天性
: instinctive a. 本能的;直覺的
Birds do not learn to build nests, but they build them using their instincts.
The spinning of webs is instinctive in spiders.
*spin vt. 結(網),吐(絲)(三態為:spin, spun, spun。)

9. prowess n. 高超的本領,非凡的能力
Nicolas demonstrated his athletic prowess by winning the decathlon.
*decathlon n. 十項全能運動

10. prey n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數)
: fall prey to...  成為……的受害者
The weak baby zebra fell prey to the jaws of the deadly lioness.
*jaw n. 下顎

11. relentless a. 持續的,不間斷的
In her relentless pursuit of success, Zoe didn't have time for a relationship.


野外黑幫 – 沙漠獅群

  成群的獅子在波札納北部的納塞潘漫步,那是個一望無際、鬱鬱蔥蔥的非洲平原。終於,雨季來到尾聲。這個曾經布滿湖泊、綠意盎然的樂園,在乾季時成為世界上最大的鹽盤沙漠。在國家地理的《野外黑幫 – 沙漠獅群》中,野生生物的大自然法則正於非洲最嚴峻的地帶之一上演。
  凶猛的動物本能和優異的體能給了獅子在狩獵獵物時的優勢,但若想維持統治地位及贏得雌獅的忠誠,牠們仍需共同努力。在水源稀少且高溫持續的艱困乾季生活十分不易。年輕一輩的獅子是否會奪去獅群的最高地位,讓老獅子自生自滅呢?想了解真相,記得收看國家地理的《野外黑幫 – 沙漠獅群》。隨著鏡頭轉到驚人的動作和場景,看看哪些動物在爭奪納塞潘沙漠領導權的戰鬥中勝出。




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