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2018/11/09 第435期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 藍色黃金
【本月發燒書】 高中英單7000魔術記憶:從字首字根記憶英文單字(25K暢銷彩色三版)
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《悅讀莎士比亞四大喜劇故事【仲夏夜之夢.威尼斯商人.皆大歡喜.第十二夜】》

<< 節錄寂天講堂「外表會騙人的單數名詞」 >>

藍色黃金 Blue Gold

What is our most precious resource? Most people would say oil or gold, but they're wrong. You can't grow food with oil, and we don't need gold to live.

Water is our most precious resource. Since 70% of our planet is water, it may seem like there's a lot of it to go around. However, only 3% of that is freshwater, which is what we use to farm, drink, and bathe.

Around 1.2 billion people are already facing a shortage of freshwater. By the year 2025, this number is expected to increase to 1.8 billion. The problem is getting worse because of overpopulation, climate change, and people simply wasting water. For example, the US Environmental Protection Agency says that one trillion gallons are wasted every year by leaking faucets. That's enough water for 24 billion baths.

It's clear we all have a role to play in fixing the problem. The good news is it's not too hard. Try showering for one minute less and you'll save 150 gallons of water every month. Turning the water off when you brush your teeth will also save four gallons a minute.

何謂世上最珍貴的資源? 多數人可能會說石油或黃金,其實不然,因為我們無法用石油種植食物,也不需要黃金來維持身體機能。




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