Picking Up Litter and Getting Some Exercise 慢跑撿垃圾 新潮運動席捲全球

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2018/11/27 第391期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Picking Up Litter and Getting Some Exercise  慢跑撿垃圾 新潮運動席捲全球
by Bruce E. Bagnell

A new way to exercise that also helps urban environments is “sweeping” the streets!


  Everyone knows that exercise is good for our health, and keeping our environment clean is good for the health of the planet. What if there were a way to do both at the same time? It’s time to go plogging!
  The word plogging is derived from two Swedish words for “pick up” and “jog.” __1__ In addition to running shoes, ploggers only need a garbage bag and a pair of gloves. How did this idea of plogging begin, and why did it start in Stockholm, Sweden?
  After a long, freezing winter in Stockholm, spring sun and warmer temperatures begin to melt the accumulated snow, exposing litter that may have been hidden for weeks or even months. __2__ Just imagine the unsightly and smelly problem of old wet garbage!
  __3__ Because ploggers engage in start-and-stop running, stretching while bending over, and carrying around a bag of trash, they actually burn more calories on a typical run compared to joggers who keep pace for the same length of time. __4__
  This new trend has become so popular that even those in warm climates are beginning to plog. __5__ If you’re looking for a new hobby, start plogging today!

(A) That soggy trash can be a nuisance.
(B) The fitness trend has been rising in popularity in the US and the UK.
(C) Not only do ploggers pitch in to improve their urban environments, but they can also improve their health.
(D) It should be clear, then, that the benefits of plogging in terms of human health surpass those of just jogging.
(E) More than 3,000 posts have appeared on Instagram and various Facebook groups from ploggers joining the fun!
(F) Some eco-friendly Swedes decided that jogging would be more interesting and beneficial if accompanied by picking up litter and collecting it into a plastic bag.


1. 第一題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 “The word plogging is derived from two Swedish words for ‘pick up’ and ‘jog.’”(plogging 一字源自於兩個意思分別為「撿拾」及「慢跑」的瑞典字。),而 (F) 項句子提及“Some eco-friendly Swedes decided that jogging would be more interesting and beneficial if accompanied by picking up litter and collecting it into a plastic bag.”(一些瑞典環保人士認為,如果慢跑能伴隨撿垃圾並將其收集到塑膠袋中,將會更加有趣且更有助益。),兩句皆提及 pick up(撿拾)及 jog(慢跑),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

a. eco-friendly a. 環保的
b. beneficial a. 有益的
When it comes to decision making, asking for other people’s suggestions can be beneficial.
c. be accompanied by...  伴隨著……
A skin rash may be accompanied by a fever if it is serious.
*rash n. 疹子

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 “After a long, freezing winter in Stockholm, spring sun and warmer temperatures begin to melt the accumulated snow, exposing litter that may have been hidden for weeks or even months.”(在斯德哥爾摩一個漫長而寒冷的冬季結束後,春季的陽光和較溫暖的氣溫開始使積雪融化,讓可能已埋藏數週或甚至數月的垃圾暴露出來。),而 (A) 項句子提及 “That soggy trash can be a nuisance.”(那種溼軟的垃圾會讓人覺得厭煩。),(A) 項句子的 That soggy trash(那種溼軟的垃圾)指的即是前一句的 litter that may have been hidden for weeks or even months(已埋藏數週或甚至數月的垃圾),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

a. soggy a. 溼軟的
b. nuisance n. 討厭的人/事/物

3. 第三題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格後一句提及 “Because ploggers engage in start-and-stop running, stretching while bending over, and carrying around a bag of trash...”(因為 plogger 要跑跑停停、在彎腰時伸展且還要扛著一袋垃圾……),而 (C) 項句子提及 “Not only do ploggers pitch in to improve their urban environments, but they can also improve their health.”(參與其中的 plogger 不僅改善他們的城市環境,也改善了自己的健康。),(C) 項句子陳述 plogger 在撿垃圾的同時也能改善自己的健康,後一句則針對此陳述說明原因,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

pitch in  投入;出一份力
We can finish the job more quickly if we all pitch in.

4. 第四題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格前一句提及 “... they actually burn more calories on a typical run compared to joggers who keep pace for the same length of time.”(……他們在一般跑程實際上比在相同時間保持均速的慢跑者燃燒更多的熱量。),而 (D) 項句子提及 “It should be clear, then, that the benefits of plogging in terms of human health surpass those of just jogging.”(那麼就人體健康而言,plogging 的益處應該很明顯地勝過純粹慢跑。),(D) 項句子提及 plogging 的益處明顯勝過純粹慢跑,即是以前一句的 plogger 能燃燒較多熱量作為根據而下的結論,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

a. in terms of...  就……而言
In terms of motorcycle density, Taiwan ranks highest in the world.
b. surpass vt. 勝過,超越
That band’s new album has surpassed their previous one in sales.

5. 第五題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 “... even those in warm climates are beginning to plog.”(……就連住在溫暖氣候的人也開始 plogging。),而 (E) 項句子提及 “More than 3,000 posts have appeared on Instagram and various Facebook groups from ploggers joining the fun!”(在 Instagram 以及各式各樣的 Facebook 社團已經出現三千多則 plogger 一起同樂的貼文!),兩句皆提及在寒冷地區以外的人也參與了 plogging 的風潮,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

various a. 各式各樣的
Our company publishes various kinds of books.

accumulate vt. & vi. 累積,積聚(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
calorie n. 卡路里(熱量單位)

1. pick up... / pick... up  拾起……
Tom squatted down to pick up the money he dropped on the ground.

2. be derived from...  源自於……
derive vt. 源自
My mother’s name is derived from the Egyptian word for beauty.

3. engage in...  從事/進行……
If you engage in illegal activities, you should be ready to pay the price.

4. (be) compared to...  和……比起來
Compared to biking, swimming exercises more of the body’s muscles.

1. litter n. 垃圾(不可數)& vi. 亂丟垃圾
: litterbug n. 亂丟垃圾的人
There was a lot of litter left on the ground after the concert.
People who litter in Singapore are fined a lot of money.

2. urban a. 城市的,都市的
Wildlife in Taiwan has lost large areas of natural habitat because of urban sprawl.
*sprawl n.(建築物)擴張

3. freezing a. 極冷的;感到很冷的
The freezing weather during the holiday kept most people indoors.

4. expose vt. 暴露
: be exposed to...  暴露於……
Sam was exposed to the radioactive material when the power plant exploded.
*radioactive a. 有輻射能的

5. unsightly a. 不雅觀的
The painting on that wall was childish and unsightly.

6. stretch vi. 伸展(肢體)
I make it a rule to stretch and warm up before I exercise.

7. typical a. 典型的
: be typical of...  是……的典型
Kathy does not fit the stereotype of a typical Korean girl.
My dog’s behavior is typical of this particular breed.

8. pace n. 速度;步調
: at a / an... pace  以……的速度/步調
keep pace with...  跟上……
John can’t stand when people in front of him walk at a snail’s pace.
Our company is struggling to keep pace with changes in the market.

慢跑撿垃圾 新潮運動席捲全球


   每個人都知道運動對我們的健康有益,保持環境整潔則對地球有益。倘若有一種能同時兼顧兩者的方法呢?是時候去 plogging 了!
  plogging 一字源自於兩個意思分別為「撿拾」及「慢跑」的瑞典字。一些瑞典環保人士認為,如果慢跑能伴隨撿垃圾並將其收集到塑膠袋中,將會更加有趣且更有助益。除了慢跑鞋外,plogger(從事 plogging 運動者)只需要一個垃圾袋和一副手套。plogging 的點子是如何開始,而又為什麼始於瑞典的斯德哥爾摩呢?
  參與其中的 plogger 不僅改善他們的城市環境,也改善了自己的健康。因為 plogger 要跑跑停停、在彎腰時伸展且還要扛著一袋垃圾,他們在一般跑程實際上比在相同時間保持均速的慢跑者燃燒更多的熱量。那麼就人體健康而言,plogging 的益處應該很明顯地勝過純粹慢跑。
  這種新趨勢已經變得大受歡迎,就連住在溫暖氣候的人也開始 plogging。在 Instagram 以及各式各樣的 Facebook 社團已經出現三千多則 plogger 一起同樂的貼文!若你正在尋找一個新的嗜好,那今天就開始 plogging 吧!
1. F  2. A  3. C  4. D  5.E





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