The Best Worst Luck in the World  三度躲過死神的幸運男

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2018/11/27 第377期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Best Worst Luck in the World 三度躲過死神的幸運男
Learn how one man was attacked by three deadly creatures and still lived to tell the tale.



   For anyone who enjoys going outdoors, being attacked by wild animals is a true nightmare. One unfortunate man has been attacked, and lived to tell the tale, no less than three times.
   Dylan McWilliams, a 20-year-old American, loves the outdoors. The outdoors, however, clearly doesn’t have much love for him. Three years ago, a rattlesnake bit him during a hike in Utah. Luckily, there wasn’t much venom in its bite that day, so he only got sick for a few days.
   Later, during a Colorado camping trip in July of 2017, a black bear grabbed him by the back of the head with its teeth. Only by hitting the bear in the eye was McWilliams able to get away. He was injured but alive.
   The latest attack came in April of this year. McWilliams was bodyboarding off the coast of Hawaii when a two-meter-long tiger shark took a bite out of his leg. The young man managed to kick the huge beast away and swim to shore. If trouble really does come in threes, McWilliams shouldn’t have any more close brushes with death. Let’s hope his luck doesn’t run out.















  後來,在 2017 年七月的科羅拉多州露營之旅中,一隻黑熊用牙齒咬住他的後腦勺。麥克威廉斯唯有靠打那隻熊的眼睛才成功逃跑。他負傷但活了下來。


1. wild a. 野生的
Hunting wild ducks is not allowed in this area.

2. unfortunate a. 倒楣的;不幸的;令人遺憾的
fortunate a. 幸運的
We were all very sad when we heard about Mr. Chen’s unfortunate accident.
Bruce was fortunate enough to win the lottery last night.

3. no less than + 數字詞 + N  多達/不少於/至少……
There were no less than 100 people lining up there to buy movie tickets.

4. hike n. 徒步旅行,遠足
We need to walk at least 10 kilometers a day if we want to finish this hike in a month.

5. luckily adv. 幸運地
The disease spread rapidly throughout the country, but luckily no one died.

6. beast n. 野獸
Just as the lion is the king of beasts, so the eagle is the king of birds.

7. brush with death n. 瀕死經驗
Gary values his life a lot more since his brush with death in the accident.

8. run out (of...)  用完/耗盡(……)
Rachel happened to run out of salt while she was cooking yesterday.


▼ deadly a. 致命的
▼ nightmare
n. 惡夢,夢魘
▼ rattlesnake
n. 響尾蛇
▼ venom
▼ bodyboard
vi. 玩趴板衝浪


本文副標中的片語 live to tell the tale 字面上的意思為「活著說故事」,但真正的意思其實是「熬過來,挺過來」。另外還有一個意思相近的片語為 make it through...,表「熬過/度過……(難關)」。例:

Jack had a horrible journey, but he lived to tell the tale.

Kelly has made it through the worst of the cancer treatment and is starting to feel better.







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