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2019/04/05 第456期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 這是公平交易產品嗎?
【本月發燒書】 新制多益750超命中攻略【搶分密技+ 3回擬真試題】
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略3【二版】》

【寂天講堂 - 時間time of day】

各種時間的說法都學會了嗎? 教你無障礙的用英文讀出各種時間:

● 用 o'clock 來表示「整點」。
nine o'clock = 9 a.m./9 p.m. = 九點鐘
five o'clock = 5 a.m./5 p.m. = 五點鐘

● 用 half past 來表示「幾點半」。(此為英式讀法)
half past two = 兩點半
half past one = 一點半

● 用 (a) quarter past 表示「幾點過 15分」;用 (a) quarter to 表示「差 15 分幾點」。(此為英式讀法)
a quarter past twelve = 十二點十五分
a quarter to three = 兩點四十五分

● 用 minutes past 表示「幾點過幾分」;用minutes to 表示「差幾分幾點」。(此為英式讀法)
twenty-six minutes past seven = 七點二十六分
twenty-two minutes to ten = 九點三十八分

● 如果分鐘為 5 的倍數,就省略 minutes。 (此為英式讀法)
five past nine = 九點五分
ten past ten = 十點十分

● 另一種說明時間的方法為「hour(時)+ the minutes(分)」。(此為美式讀法)
two oh two = 兩點零二分
one fifty-two = 一點五十二分
seven thirty = 七點半
twelve eighteen = 十二點十八分

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「時間time of day」

這是公平交易產品嗎?Is It a Fair Trade?

You may have noticed a "fair trade" label on a product you bought recently. More and more companies are joining the fair trade movement and showing it on their packaging. But what exactly is fair trade?

Fair trade is a social movement designed to create better trading conditions for farmers, artists, and other producers in developing countries. Fair trade businesses also promote sustainable farming and production methods. They see trade between developing and developed nations as a way to help solve problems like poverty. To do this, they follow different, more compassionate principles than most other businesses.

Fair trade businesses pay more than current market prices for goods. They believe the low prices most buyers pay are unfair to sellers. Higher prices allow the producers selling goods to earn more, invest more, and expand their businesses if they want to. In addition, fair trade companies try to avoid working with middlemen. They connect sellers directly with their buyers. This means that sellers don't have to pay a third person to help them reach a market. Many fair trade businesses also use and promote environmentally friendly practices. They may provide credit to sellers who want to grow their businesses. And of course, fair trade means that no slave or child labor can be used at any point.

Of course, fair trade has a few problems of its own. Research shows the poorest fair trade sellers aren't earning any more money now than they did before. It's also hard to make sure that fair trade practices are actually being followed, and sometimes people cheat. So is fair trade really fair? For now, it seems, the consumer doesn't have a final answer.





──────選自《焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(Level 1)【四版】》
新制多益750超命中攻略【搶分密技+ 3回擬真試題】(16K+1MP3+WORKBOOK訓練書)

教你看懂財經英文:一次掌握關鍵詞彙概念 (20K軟精裝+1MP3)


練英單!英單7000字邊背邊練習Book 2:2201∼4400【二版】(20K+1MP3)

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