The Coachella Difference 全美最大音樂派對:科切拉音樂節

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2019/04/30 第401期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Coachella Difference 全美最大音樂派對:科切拉音樂節
Learn how a valley in California came to draw some of the biggest musicians—and shine a light on important matters.



   Every year, tens of thousands of fans flock to Indio, California in the Coachella Valley to see some of the world’s top musical acts shine. But the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival isn’t just about music. Yes, it is a place to have a good time, but this is a fest with a difference.
   The festival, simply known as Coachella, was first held in 1999. Paul Tollett, a concert promoter, had previously traveled to another famous fest, Glastonbury, and tried to attract some talent to a new festival he had in mind. This one, he said, would be built on respect for the environment, a positive attitude, and comfort, as other festivals he had seen were accompanied at times by pollution and violence.
   About 37,000 people attended the first two-day event, headlined by bands like Tool and Beck. Nowadays, the crowds can top a quarter million. People come for acts like those of Bon Iver and Beyoncé, but that’s not all. The festival also promotes carpooling to Indio, has on-site recycling, and uses wooden rather than plastic signs. It all adds up to a different kind of festival, where safety, environmental responsibility, and, of course, great music come together.


1. flock vi. 蜂擁而至;成群結隊地去
Everyone in the town flocked to the theater to watch the new Superman movie.

2. previously adv. 先前;從前
Previously, we were busy writing our essays. Now, we are studying for a test.

3. comfort n.(身體的)舒適感;(情緒的)慰藉
A small car can’t compare with a large one in terms of comfort.

4. violence n. 暴力
Nowadays, children are exposed to too much TV violence.

5. headline vt. 成為……的主打/主要表演者
The band has announced it will headline three US music festivals this year.

6. add up to...  (集結一切表示)結果是……;意味著……
Great music, nice food, and joyful conversation added up to a perfect party at Marvin’s house.

7. environmental a. 環境的;環保的
Peggy spared no effort in promoting environmental awareness.

8. responsibility n. 責任;義務
Lisa took on the responsibility of raising her brother’s kids after he died.


fest n. 節日(如爵士音樂節、啤酒節等);集會
promoter n.(音樂會或運動比賽的)主辦者;承辦者
carpooling n. 共乘汽車


副標中的片語 shine a light on sth 字面上有將光照在某物上的感覺,實際上表「闡明、解釋清楚某事;使某事變得清晰明瞭」之意。另有一個更為正式的類似用法為 shed (some) light on sth 也表相同的概念。例:

Sharon hoped her professor would shine a light on what direction she should take in writing her essay.

I have no idea why they insisted on selling the apartment. Perhaps you can shed some light on the matter?


  這個名為科切拉的音樂節於 1999 年首度舉辦。身為一位演唱會承辦人的保羅•托列先前曾去過另一個著名的音樂節 ── 格拉斯頓柏立當代表演藝術節,並試著吸引一些音樂才子到他想舉辦的全新音樂節中演出。他表示,這一個音樂節將立基於對環境的尊重、一個正面的態度以及舒適性,因為其它他看過的音樂節有時會伴隨著汙染及暴力的問題。



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