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2019/04/12 第457期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 是誰坑走我的錢?
【本月發燒書】 新制New TOEIC聽力閱讀超高分:最新多益改版黃金試題2000題 【聽力+閱讀 雙書版】
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略3【二版】》

【寂天講堂 - 星期、月分與年份】


● 星期的字首一定要大寫,前面不能加the,介系詞要搭配 on 來使用。
X: Call me on the Friday
O: Call me on Friday

● 月分的字首一定要大寫,前面不能加the,介系詞要搭配 in 來使用。
X: Let's go in the January.
O: Let's go in January.

● 日期必須使用序數詞,完整的日期寫法,英式英語和美式英語不同。
15th January, 2010
15 January, 2010

January 15th, 2010
January 15, 2010

● 日期的介系詞要用 on。
We leave on January 10th.
(我們 1 月 10 號出發。)
Meet me on December 31st at 11 p.m. so we can ring in the New Year together.
(12 月 31 號的晚上 11 點來找我,我們可以一起跨年。)

● 年分的介系詞要用 in。
in 1992 (在1992年)
in 2006 (在2006年)

● 西元年的念法 1999 年以前的,會分成前後兩部分來唸:
1999 → nineteen ninety-nine
1876 → eighteen seventy-six
1702 → seventeen oh two (oh = zero)

2000 年以後的,則會唸成「兩千 + 尾數」:
2001 → two thousand one
2005 → two thousand five
2010 → two thousand ten
2012 → two thousand twelve

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「星期、月分與年份」

是誰坑走我的錢? Who Stole My Money?

I remember when a can of Coke was 25 cents. My parents could buy candy for a penny! Today you might pay a dollar for a soda, and nothing costs a penny. So what happened?

Inflation, that's what. Inflation is often called "too many dollars chasing too few goods." It's when prices in a country rise across the board. If your favorite snack gets a bit more expensive, that's not inflation. But when the price of your snack, bread, sugar, gasoline, and many other things all rise at the same time, that's inflation. Inflation means your money buys less than it used to.

Experts have different views on why and how inflation happens. One reason for inflation is an increase in the supply of money. Generally, when the supply of something goes up, the demand for it goes down. In other words, its value goes down. So when there is a lot of money circulating, each piece of money becomes less valuable.

Another cause of inflation is a rise in production costs. This means it costs more money to make a particular product. The price of a candy bar may go up if the nuts in it are suddenly more expensive or if the workers making it are paid higher wages.

Higher taxes can also cause inflation. When items are taxed, people who produce goods don't want to see their profits go down. Instead, they raise their prices. This is called "transferring the burden to the consumer." It means that producers make the same in profits, and the people buying the products are the ones who suffer.

Inflation is complicated. Track the prices of some goods you are interested in, and see if you can understand why they've changed over time.

我記得以前一瓶可樂只要25 分錢,我父母親那一輩可以用一分錢買到糖果吃!現在一罐汽水可能就要價一塊美金,而沒有任何東西是花一分錢能買到的。到底發生了什麼事?






──────選自《焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(Level 1)【四版】》
新制New TOEIC聽力閱讀超高分:最新多益改版黃金試題2000題 【聽力+閱讀 雙書版】 (16K+MP3)

Show出職場好英文【二版】(25K +MP3)



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