Chi Chi’s Sublime and Splendorous Story 重獲新生!美英雄犬賺人熱淚

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2019/04/02 第408期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Chi Chi’s Sublime and Splendorous Story  重獲新生!美英雄犬賺人熱淚
by William Ryan


    The story of Chi Chi, a four-year-old female golden retriever rescue dog, is encouraging. The little pooch’s face alone could steal your heart. However, Chi Chi __1__ everyone who knows her with her courage, perseverance, forgiveness, and spirit of giving. Last year, Chi Chi won the 2018 American Hero Dog Award, beating out 265 other __2__ and receiving over a million votes.
  Chi Chi’s miraculous story began when she was found bound and left for dead in a dumpster. The brave, gentle-spirited canine __3__ a life-saving quadruple limb amputation, and shortly after, was adopted by an Arizona family. She had to be __4__ with customized prostheses because her legs were amputated at different levels. Although she was initially anxious about people in her new home, before long, Chi Chi knew she was in a safe __5__. She was soon walking and playing, exhibiting her innate, benevolent nature. With her new family’s loving care and generosity, Chi Chi eventually thrived.
  Two years later, Chi Chi began working as a __6__ therapy dog for human amputees and others in need. Chi Chi’s endlessly sweet mood opens people’s hearts, while her perceptive __7__ lets her sense where her love is needed. Veterans undergoing physical rehabilitation, people with depression, and children learning how to read are among the __8__ of Chi Chi’s attention.
  One example of Chi Chi’s special care was a 10-year-old double amputee and __9__ burn victim named Owen Mahan, who saw the pup on social media. His family flew to Arizona from their home in Indiana to meet the golden retriever. After an __10__ meeting, the two spent the weekend together. Chi Chi also inspires thousands around the world through her Instagram account. Not even distance is an obstacle when it comes to her ability to help people.
(A) severe  (B) fitted  (C) offensive  (D) endured
(E) insults  (F) recipients  (G) moves  (H) personality
(I) nominees  (J) emotional  (K) certified  (L) environment


(A) severe a. 嚴重的;嚴厲的
•Fred suffered a severe head injury in the accident.

(B) fitted a. 有……設備的;訂做的;合身的
fit vt. 安裝;適合
be fitted with...  配備/安裝……
•The restrooms in this building have been fitted with automatic faucets.

(C) offensive a. 無禮的;冒犯的 & n.(軍事的)進攻
•Gary’s remarks about the girl were rather offensive.

(D) endure vt. 忍受,忍耐
•No one can endure Kent’s bad temper.

(E) insult vt. & n. 侮辱,羞辱
•Jim decided to take revenge on the person who had insulted him.

(F) recipient n. 接受者
•Unfortunately, my name wasn’t on the list of recipients of the prize.

(G) move vt. 使感動;移動 & n. 措施;行動
•Andy was deeply moved by what happened to that orphan.

(H) personality n. 個性,性格
•Compared to her younger sister, who has a lively personality, Amy is very quiet.

(I) nominee n. 被提名人,入圍者
•Do you know the nominees for the Academy Award for Best Actor?

(J) emotional a. 感情激動的;情緒的
•My mom became emotional upon reading the card I sent her.

(K) certified a. 經過認證的;持有證照的,合格的
certify vt. 認證
•The man who saved me from drowning was not a certified lifeguard.

(L) environment n. 環境
•It took the new employee about a month to adapt to the new environment.

1. However, Chi Chi moves everyone who knows her with her courage...
a. 空格前有主詞 Chi Chi(奇奇),而空格後有受詞 everyone(每個人),故知空格應置入第三人稱單數及物動詞。
b. 選項中有 (B) fitted、(D) endured、(E) insults、(G) moves 及 (K) certified 符合條件,根據語意,奇奇因牠的勇氣和……「感動」了所有認識牠的人,可知答案應選 (G)。

2. Last year, Chi Chi won the 2018 American Hero Dog Award, beating out 265 other nominees...
a. 空格前有數字 265 及形容詞 other(其他的),故知空格應置入複數名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (E) insults、(F) recipients 及 (I) nominees 符合條件,根據語意,奇奇擊敗其他兩百六十五隻「被提名的狗狗」贏得 2018 年美國英雄犬獎,可知答案應選 (I)。

3. The brave, gentle-spirited canine endured a life-saving quadruple limb amputation, and shortly after, was adopted by an Arizona family.
a. 空格前有作主詞的名詞詞組 The brave, gentle-spirited canine(這隻勇敢、性情溫和的小狗),而空格後有作受詞的名詞詞組 a life-saving quadruple limb amputation(一場救命的四肢截肢手術),且根據本句時態,故知空格應置入過去式及物動詞。
b. 選項中有 (B) fitted、(D) endured 及 (K) certified 符合條件,根據語意,這隻勇敢、性情溫和的小狗「撐過」救命的四肢截肢手術,可知答案應選 (D)。

4. She had to be fitted with customized prostheses because...
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 be,而空格後有介詞 with,故知空格應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) severe、(B) fitted、(C) offensive、(J) emotional 及 (K) certified 符合條件,根據語意,牠必須「配戴」訂做的義肢,且 “be fitted with...” 為固定用法,故答案應選 (B)。

5. ... before long, Chi Chi knew she was in a safe environment.
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a 及形容詞 safe(安全的),故知空格應置入單數可數名詞。
b. 選項中有 (C) offensive、(H) personality 及 (L) environment 符合條件,根據語意,不久之後,奇奇便明白自己身處在一個安全的「環境」中,可知答案應選 (L)。

6. Two years later, Chi Chi began working as a certified therapy dog...
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,而空格後有名詞詞組 therapy dog(治療犬),故知空格應置入子音開頭的形容詞以修飾 therapy dog。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) severe 及 (K) certified 符合條件,根據語意,奇奇成為一隻「經過認證的」治療犬,可知答案應選 (K)。

7. ... while her perceptive personality lets her sense where her love is needed.
a. 空格前有所有格 her 及形容詞 perceptive(敏銳的),而空格後有第三人稱單數及物動詞 lets(讓),故知空格應置入單數名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (C) offensive 及 (H) personality 符合條件,根據語意,敏銳的「個性」讓牠能察覺哪裡需要牠的愛,可知答案應選 (H)。

8. Veterans undergoing physical rehabilitation, people with depression, and children learning how to read are among the recipients of Chi Chi’s attention.
a. 空格前有介詞 among(在三者或以上的……之間)及定冠詞 the,而空格後有介詞 of,故知空格應置入複數名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (E) insults 及 (F) recipients 符合條件,根據語意,退伍軍人、憂鬱症患者以及孩子都是奇奇關注的「對象」,可知答案應選 (F)。

9. One example of Chi Chi’s special care was a 10-year-old double amputee and severe burn victim named Owen Mahan...
a. 空格後有名詞詞組 burn victim(燒傷受害者),故知空格應置入形容詞以修飾 burn victim。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) severe、(C) offensive 及 (J) emotional 符合條件,根據語意,接受奇奇特別關照的一個例子是一名十歲男孩歐文.馬漢,他的雙腿截肢並被「嚴重」燒傷,可知答案應選 (A)。

10. After an emotional meeting, the two spent the weekend together.
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 an,而空格後有名詞 meeting
(見面),故知空格應置入母音開頭的形容詞以修飾 meeting。
b. 選項中有 (C) offensive 及 (J) emotional 符合條件,根據語意,在「令人動容的」一次見面後,他倆共度週末,可知答案應選 (J)。

1. beat out... / beat... out  打敗/戰勝……
•They beat out a rival company to win the contract.

2. leave (sb) for dead  任由(某人)自生自滅
•The guy was badly beaten and left for dead by some gangsters.

3. be anxious about...  對……感到焦慮/緊張
anxious a. 焦慮的
•Julia is anxious about the interview tomorrow.

4. when it comes to N/V-ing  談到/提及……
= speaking of N/V-ing
•Tim has no sense when it comes to money.

1. rescue n. & vt. 拯救,救援
come to sb’s rescue  前來解救某人
•The firefighters came to Gina’s rescue and saved her from the burning building.
•The lifeguard jumped into the pool and rescued the drowning boy.

2. perseverance n. 毅力,堅忍
•Through diligence and perseverance, Ted is finally on the path to success.

3. miraculous a. 奇蹟般的,神奇的
•Catherine made a miraculous recovery after being in a coma for two years.
*coma n. 昏迷

4. exhibit vt. 顯示(特性、情感等)& n. 展覽(會);展示品
on exhibit  展出中
•Edward exhibited an ear for music at an early age.
•Leonardo da Vinci’s work will be on exhibit at the museum next month.

5. innate a. 天生的
= inborn a.
•Steve seems to have an innate talent for mastering foreign languages.

6. thrive vi. 茁壯成長,蓬勃發展
•After being adopted, the orphan thrived in the loving home.

7. therapy n. 治療,療法
•Janet is getting stronger day by day after receiving therapy.

8. undergo vt. 經歷;遭受
三態為:undergo, underwent, undergone。
•Rita looked 20 years younger because she had undergone plastic surgery.

9. depression n. 憂鬱(症)
•Cheer up! Don’t let depression consume you.

10. obstacle n. 障礙(物)
be an obstacle to...  為……的障礙
•Laziness is an obstacle to success.


sublime a. 令人崇敬的;極好的
splendorous a. 璀璨的;華麗的
a golden retriever  黃金獵犬
retriever n. 獵犬,尋回犬
pooch n. 狗
dumpster n. 大型垃圾箱
canine n. 狗,犬 & a. 犬科的
quadruple a. 涉及四個的;四倍的
amputation n. 截肢(手術)
amputate vt. & vi. 截肢
amputee n. 被截肢者
customize vt. 訂做,客製化(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
prostheses n. 義肢(複數形)
prosthesis n. 義肢(單數形)
benevolent a. 仁慈的,善良的
perceptive a. 敏銳的
veteran n. 退役軍人,老兵
rehabilitation n. 康復;恢復(常簡寫為 rehab)
pup n. 小狗;動物幼崽


  被拯救的四歲母黃金獵犬奇奇的故事相當鼓舞人心。光是這隻小狗的臉蛋就足以偷走你的心。然而,奇奇因牠的勇氣、毅力、寬恕和奉獻精神感動了所有認識牠的人。去年,奇奇贏得了 2018 年美國英雄犬獎,擊敗其他兩百六十五隻被提名的狗狗並獲得一百多萬票。
  接受奇奇特別關照的一個例子是一名十歲男孩歐文.馬漢,他的雙腿截肢並被嚴重燒傷,他在社群媒體上看到這隻小狗。他們一家人從位於印第安那州的家飛到亞利桑那州去見這隻黃金獵犬。在令人動容的一次見面後,他倆共度週末。奇奇還透過牠的 Instagram 帳號激勵全世界成千上萬的人。說到牠幫助人的能力,就連距離都不構成障礙。
1. G 2. I 3. D 4. B 5. L 6. K 7. H 8. F 9. A 10. J



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