Honor Your Scars with the Art of Kintsugi  化缺陷為美麗的金繼修補藝術

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2019/04/09 第398期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Honor Your Scars with the Art of Kintsugi 化缺陷為美麗的金繼修補藝術
This Japanese art form shows how to find beauty in brokenness.



   If you’ve ever broken a favorite mug, plate, or bowl, you’ve likely gone through several stages of sorrow. You might even hopelessly try to glue all the pieces back together, but of course, it doesn’t look as good as it did before. You could pay someone to fix it and make it look new again, but this would cost a lot of money and take too long. Tossing it would be an option, but there is another way. The Japanese art of kintsugi shines with broken pottery.
   This tradition, which means “golden seams” or “golden joinery,” uses lacquer mixed with gold, silver, or platinum to fix an object. Kintsugi celebrates the damage of broken pottery and turns the brokenness into something beautiful. It treats the whole breaking incident like a happy accident. Its origins are uncertain, but kintsugi is believed to have started in Japan in the 15th or 16th century.
   We could all use the message of kintsugi in our everyday lives. Things fall apart and nobody is perfect. That’s life. But the beauty is in picking yourself up after failure or loss. After all, scars are what give us character.















1. honor vt. 表彰,表揚,給……榮譽
A special ceremony was held to honor the scientist for his achievements.

2. brokenness n. 破碎;崩壞
After the innocent man was sentenced to 20 years in prison, people became angry at the brokenness of the legal system.
* sentence vt. 判刑

3. sorrow n. 悲傷,悲痛,難過
The family members of the murder victim began sobbing with sorrow when they learned of the terrible news.
* sob vi. 啜泣

4. hopelessly adv. 絕望地;徹底地
Mera hopelessly told Arthur that she had no choice but to marry the king.

5. option n. 選擇;可選擇的東西
have no option but to V  別無選擇只好……
Because the airport was closed, we had no option but to drive home.

6. pottery n. 陶器(不可數)
That village is home to some of the finest pottery in Taiwan.

7. uncertain a. 不確定的;未知的
Oliver is uncertain about what he wants to do after graduation.

8. pick oneself up  (某人)自己重新振作起來
Nobody knows if Mandy will ever pick herself up after her divorce.


scar n. 外觀的破壞;疤痕
joinery n. 木工(手藝)
lacquer n.(用於木材或金屬表面的)漆,亮漆
platinum n. 鉑,白金


seam 的相關用法
本文中的名詞 seam 表「(尤指縫合兩塊布或皮革的)線縫,接縫」,可引申為「計畫;組織;人際關係」等意思,相關片語為 be coming / falling apart at the seams,表「(計畫)接近失敗;(組織)分崩離析;(人際關係)破裂」等意思。例:

The bags the shop sells have very strong seams, so they will last for years.

Jack’s marriage to Jennifer is coming apart at the seams.







「我們常聽到的 café 怎麼唸才正確?這是哪一國話呢?上面為什麼有一撇?」
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