The History of the Remote: From Lazy Bones to Smartphones 從光束到聲音 遙控器大變革

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2019/04/16 第410期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The History of the Remote: From Lazy Bones to Smartphones  從光束到聲音 遙控器大變革
by Lauren McCarthy


  What defines a television remote control? Perhaps you think it is any device that can be used at a distance from the TV. Or maybe, you believe it has to be a wireless gadget. The start of the remote control in the US will vary depending on which definition you choose.
  The first, albeit contested, version of the remote control was released in 1950 by Zenith Electronics. Called the Lazy Bones, this device was attached to the television by a long cord and allowed people to change channels and turn the set on and off without getting up from the couch.
  The next generation of the remote was completely separate from the television set. Also from Zenith, the Flash-Matic was the first wireless control. The main selling point of this device, which was little more than a flashlight, was that viewers could mute the sound during commercial breaks.
  The following year, Zenith presented the Space Command remote, which used sound waves as a means of control. The functionality of this device was the same as that of the Flash-Matic, though the mechanics were different. The Space Command’s most lasting legacy is that it gave the remote control the name “clicker” because of the sound its buttons made.
  Despite this spate of various designs and updates, the majority of US households didn’t have remotes until the 1980s. In the ‘80s, more channels and the VCR made remotes almost a necessity. This is when devices began to resemble the modern-day remote control. TV remotes now used infrared technology. In addition, controls went from having only a handful of functions to being covered in dozens of buttons.
  Today, the remote control is once again changing. Phones and voice-activated devices can now operate smart appliances, suggesting that the end is near for the standard television remote.
1. Which was NOT a technology that has been used in remote controls?
(A) Bright beams of light.
(B) Thermal heat sensors.
(C) Sound vibrations.
(D) Infrared light signals.

2. What does the word “contested” suggest in the second paragraph?
(A) The first remote control was featured in an engineering contest.
(B) The name Lazy Bones was opposed by consumers.
(C) The remote control won the battle to be the first type.
(D) The 1950 device is not considered the first remote control by everyone.

3. What function was added to the Flash-Matic remote control?
(A) It could turn the TV on and off.
(B) It could change the channel.
(C) It could turn off the sound.
(D) It could brighten the screen.

4. According to the passage, what was one cause of the remote control’s increase in popularity in the 1980s?
(A) People were becoming lazier than ever.
(B) Viewers wanted to ignore commercials.
(C) More TV channels were becoming available.
(D) Most consumers had access to a smartphone.


1. be attached to...  固定在/附著在……上
•Ned checked the label that is attached to his silk shirt to see how to wash it.

2. be separate from...  和……各自獨立/分開
•The library building is separate from the main school building.

3. be little more than...  與……差不多;只不過是……
此處的 little 為否定形容詞,表「幾乎不/沒有」之意,”be little more than...” 強調「沒有比……多多少」,也就是「與……差不多」,延伸為「只不過是……」,與 “be nothing more than...” 意思相近。
•Aid packages to developing countries are at present little more than a drop in the bucket.
*a drop in the bucket  杯水車薪,滄海一粟

4. as a means of...  作為……的手段
•In the past, horses were commonly used as a means of transportation.

5. the majority of...  大多數的……
•The majority of the fruit at this market is locally grown.

6. have access to...  可使用……;有取得/通往……的管道
•Studies have shown that almost every household in this area has access to a computer.

1. gadget n. 小器具
•Mary’s kitchen is full of gadgets she never uses.

2. definition n. 定義
•I didn’t know the word, so I looked up its definition in the dictionary.

3. version n. 版本
•I turned in a revised version of my paper in order to get a better grade.

4. generation n. 一代;世代
•If more isn’t done to save the planet, future generations may not have a world to live in.

5. mute vt. 使靜音;使(聲音)減弱
•Mom put up heavy curtains in my room to mute the noise of the traffic.

6. update n. & vt. 更新
•Coming up next on this station is our news update.
•Daisy couldn’t update her blog because she didn’t have any internet access.

7. necessity n. 必需品
a daily necessity  日常必需品,日用品
•Parents do their best to provide their children with the necessities of life.

8. resemble vt. 相似
•This fake Fendi handbag resembles the real one you have.

9. activate vt. 啟動(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
•After you punch in the code, the alarm will be activated.

10. appliance n.(家用)電器(常用複數)
domestic / household appliances  家用電器
•The store sells a wide range of domestic appliances—washing machines, dishwashers, and so on.
那家店出售各種家用電器 ── 洗衣機、洗碗機等等。

11. vibration n. 震動
•Vibrations could still be felt 20 minutes after the earthquake struck.

12. signal n. 信號
•The captain of the ship sent out an SOS signal.

13. brighten vt. 使明亮
•Molly lit some candles to brighten the room when the electricity went out.

a handful of...  幾個/一把……
handful n. 一把;少數
•The boy grabbed a handful of berries and tucked them in his pocket.
字尾 -ful 當名詞時為「滿;量」之意,以下介紹字尾為 -ful 的常見名詞及相關片語:
a. mouthful n. 一口的量
a mouthful of...  一口的/滿嘴的……
•Ken spit a mouthful of food onto his plate because it was too hot.
b. armful n.(雙臂或單臂)一抱的量
an armful of...  滿懷的……
•Kathy is a bookworm and never leaves the library without an armful of books.
c. spoonful n. 一匙的量
a spoonful of...  一匙的……
•As they say, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
d. bucketful n. 一桶的量
a bucketful of...  一桶的……
•Jenny pulled up a bucketful of water from the well.
e. cupful n. 一杯的容量
a cupful of...  一杯的……
•You only need a cupful of flour for this recipe.
f. pocketful n. 一口袋的量
a pocketful of...  一口袋的……
•I don’t need to get change because I’ve got a pocketful of coins already.


remote n. 遙控器
= a remote control
wireless a. 無線的
albeit conj. 儘管
contest vt. 質疑;抗辯
cord n. 有插頭的電線;細繩
flashlight n. 手電筒
functionality n.(電腦等設備的)功能
mechanics n. 運作方式;技術
spate n. 接二連三的某事;氾濫
infrared a. 紅外線的
beam n. 光束
thermal a. 熱能的

Perhaps you think it is any device that can be used at a distance from the TV.
The main selling point of this device... was that viewers could...
The functionality of this device was the same as that of the Flash-Matic...
介紹 that 的用法
※ that 可作關係代名詞,代替 who / whom / which 引導形容詞子句修飾先行詞(如上面第一句用法),且 that 之前不可置介詞。
The movie that Peter Jackson directed won many awards.
※ that 後可接完整的子句,形成名詞子句,如同名詞的功能,可作主詞補語(如上面第二句用法)、主詞及受詞用。
a. 作主詞補語時,that 一般不可省略,但口語中有時會以逗點取代 that,或甚至連逗點也不加:
•Ed’s real problem is that he lacks confidence.
b. 作主詞時,that 不可省略,此時可用虛主詞 it 代替 that 子句,以避免主詞過長的現象:
That the helicopter’s pilot survived the crash is a miracle.
= It is a miracle that the helicopter’s pilot survived the crash.
c. 作受詞時,that 通常可省略,且大多不作介詞的受詞。此外,若同一個句子中有兩個受詞時,第二個 that 不可省略:
•Ian said (that) he had no money and that he expected me to help him.
※ that 亦可作代名詞,代替前面出現過的單數名詞或不可數名詞(如上面第三句用法);代替前面出現過的複數名詞則用 those:
•I understand the history of my own country better than that of France.
The answers provided by the professor are more accurate than those provided by Jane.


從光束到聲音 遙控器大變革

  第一代遙控器是由增你智電子(編按:或譯為天頂電子,現為南韓 LG 電子的子公司)於 1950 年推出(儘管仍有爭議)。這個裝置被稱為懶骨頭,以一條長長的纜線連接至電視,讓人們不用從沙發起身也能切換頻道和開關電視。
  雖然各種設計與升級不斷推陳出新,大多數的美國家庭一直到 1980 年代才擁有遙控器。八O年代時,更多的電視頻道與錄影機使得遙控器幾乎成為必需品。這時也是該裝置開始長得與現代遙控器相似的時候。電視遙控器如今是利用紅外線科技。此外,遙控器從只有幾種功能一直演變至擁有數十個按鍵。
1. 哪一種科技未曾被應用在遙控器上?
(A) 明亮的光束。
(B) 熱能感應器。
(C) 聲波震動。
(D) 紅外線訊號。

2. 第二段的 “contested” 一字暗示了什麼?
(A) 最初的遙控器是在一場工程比賽中誕生的。
(B) 消費者反對懶骨頭這個名稱。
(C) 這款遙控器在競爭過後成為了第一款。
(D) 並不是每個人都認為 1950 年的裝置是第一代遙控器。

3. 閃電助手遙控器增加了什麼功能?
(A) 它能開關電視。
(B) 它能切換頻道。
(C) 它能關閉聲音。
(D) 它能使螢幕變亮。

4. 根據本文,何者是遙控器於 1980 年代人氣大增的原因之一?
(A) 人們變得比從前懶惰。
(B) 觀眾想不理會廣告。
(C) 更多電視頻道可供選擇。
(D) 大多數的消費者都有智慧型手機。
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C



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