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2019/05/27第310期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� ��擃桀�銝��脩�����曹�
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� 銝��冽�������亙恥瘞���
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� �亥�+�梯�
Why Are Barber Poles Red, White, and Blue?

A rotating pole with red, white, and sometimes blue stripes is a common sight outside barbershops. But do you know why these specific colors were chosen?
The answer lies in the history of the barbershop. In the Middle Ages, people didn��t just go there to get their hair cut. They also went to do bloodletting because barbers had experience with razors.
For this procedure, barbers used a staff for the patient to hold on to, a basin to catch blood, and linen bandages. They would store these items outside their barbershop with the bloodstained bandages twisted around the staff and the basin placed on top. This was also a way for barbers to advertise their services. When it became illegal to display bloodletting equipment, barbers used wooden poles to continue the tradition. They painted them red for blood and white for bandages. Blue was added to poles in the United States reportedly to either represent veins or match with the colors of the American flag. So, the barber pole was born and remains a symbol of barbershops to this day.



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Make yourself at home.


嚗�Help yourself.
嚗�Feel free to do as you like.
嚗�My house is your house.
嚗�Make yourselves comfortable.
A: Hey guys. Welcome to my house! Please make yourselves at home.
B: Thanks so much for letting us spend the night.
C: Yeah, we really appreciate that you opened your house to us.
A: No problem. I��m happy to host you two for the night.

2019/5/27 (銝�)

Known as maneki-neko, this cat originated in Japan and spread to nearby countries.

2019/5/28 (鈭�)

Many people believe that having one is a necessity for their business and their personal lives.

2019/5/29 (銝�)

Learning about animals, we naturally want to protect them more.

2019/5/30 (��)

When we feel strongly about an issue, we'll want others to see things our way.

2019/5/31 (鈭�)

Green energy refers to energy that doesn't produce a lot of pollution.

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�亥�憭批��閫�1撟�12�� +�亥�憭批��閫�蝟餃��憟���(��4��)


鈭����交�祈���隤�1撟�12�� + �梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12��
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