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2019/05/03 第460期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 烏來美景
【本月發燒書】 賣火柴的小女孩 The Little Match Girl:國王的新衣/紅舞鞋【Grade 1經典文學讀本】
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《新制多益850超命中攻略:搶分密技+3回擬真試題【雙書附解析】》

【寂天講堂 - 指示代名詞this, that, these, those】

this、that、these、those 是指示代名詞。當某物或某人在說話者的附近時,用this 或these 表示;某物或某人距離說話者較遠時,用that 或those 表示。this、that 用於單數名詞前面,these、those 用於複數名詞前面。

These cheese sandwiches are for our lunch. (這些起司三明治是我們的午餐。)

Is that a police officer in that car? (那輛車子裡的人是警察嗎?)

Those are Paul's baseballs. (那些是保羅的棒球。)

● that 可以指「已經發生的某件事」或「某人剛才說話的內容」。
That was really a wonderful trip.

A: I'm sorry to be so late.
B: That's all right.
(A: 對不起,我遲到了。B: 沒關係。)

● 電話用語中常見「this is ...」(我是...) 和「is that...?」(你是...?_嗎?)。this 表示「這一方」,that 指「對方」。

Hello, this is Dan.
Hello, is that Mary Black? My name is Jane Brown.
(喂,你是瑪莉• 布萊克嗎?我是珍• 布朗。)

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「指示代名詞this, that, these, those」

烏來美景 The Scenery of Wulai

In Wulai, you can find a myriad of entertainment such as enjoying the cherry blossoms, participating in water activities, or soaking in the hot springs.

Wulai Cherry Blossom Festival (February and March)

The Wulai Cherry Blossom Festival is an important event. Besides filling your senses with the sights and smells of the cherry blossoms (mostly Formosa Cherry, Fuji cherry, and Kwanzan Cherry), experiencing the hot springs, and sampling the Atayal delicacies, there are a range of Atayal tribe aboriginal and cultural activities to enjoy.

Summer Water Activities & Forest Bathing

Wulai offers many opportunities for water activities during summer. Tonghou River and Nanshi River are both delightful retreats. Steamed fish and freshwater shrimp from the streams are campers' and fishermen's favorite meals. You can also enjoy a refreshing forest bathing while strolling in the mountains. The plentiful rainfall of Wulai and the dramatic terrain has created many beautiful waterfalls. There are even seats available on observation decks to help tourists get comfortable as they gaze at the dazzling water displays.

Hot Springs in Winter

If you come to Wulai, you have to give the hot springs a try. They are of the sodium hydrogen carbonate springs variety. The hot springs here are clear and odorless, and are believed to treat gastrointestinal diseases and skin diseases. Because the hot springs are below the hotels, pumps and pipes for transporting the spring water up to the hotels can be seen in the creek. There are many hot spring hotels in Wulai, and most of them are located on Wenquan St.

There is a naturally formed geothermal hot spring which lies between the Tourism Bridge and the Scenic Bridge. There is no trace of human construction here. Travelers can enjoy this natural outdoor hot spring for free. However, don't forget to bring your own towel and swimsuit.




夏季戲水 & 森林浴





賣火柴的小女孩 The Little Match Girl:國王的新衣/紅舞鞋【Grade 1經典文學讀本】(25K+1MP3二版)

彩圖初級英文文法Let's See!【三版】(16K軟精裝+解答別冊)


練英單!英單7000字邊背邊練習Book 3:4401∼7000(20K+1MP3)

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