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2019/08/23 第476期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 布雷點字法
【本月發燒書】 羅賓漢 Robin Hood【Grade 3經典文學讀本】二版
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《彩圖實境旅遊英語【彩圖三版】》

【口語會話 Follow me 】

Your outfit is incredible.

A: Your outfit is incredible.
B: Thank you very much.

A: 你穿得真好看。
B: 非常謝謝你。

────── 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》

布雷點字法 Braille

Just because people lose their sight doesn't mean that they can't read anymore. They just learn to read in a different way.

Blind people read by running their fingers over pages that have groups of tiny raised dots. These dots represent different letters, and they form an alphabet that's just like ours. This writing system is called braille.

Braille has a very interesting history. Its story begins around 1800, when a French soldier named Charles Barbier created a system of raised dots so that soldiers could read messages in the dark. Napoléon wanted his troops to be able to communicate in the dark without giving away their positions. In the end, this so-called "night writing" system was too complicated for soldiers to learn. It had to be rejected by the military.

Years later, Charles Barbier met Louis Braille at the National Institute for the Blind in Paris. Louis Braille had been blind since the age of four, and he immediately ecognized both the potential importance of Barbier's system and its major flaw. Louis set to work on making it easier to use, and eventually the braille system was born.

In braille, each letter, or cell, is made up of a rectangle in which there can be a combination of up to six raised dots or an absence of dots. The six dots are arranged in a grid of two dots horizontally by three dots vertically. The dots are numbered 1, 2, and 3 from top to bottom on the left column and 4, 5, and 6 from top to bottom on the right column. There can be 64 different combinations. Braille has also evolved to accommodate differences in other languages. For example, Greek braille is different from Chinese braille.

Blind people can also write in braille. Most use a special typewriter, called the Perkins Brailler, which types braille onto paper. Nowadays, computer keyboards with braille symbols are also available.

It is amazing that a military technology from the Napoleonic Wars has grown into something that has improved the lives of countless blind people around the world.



布雷點字法的歷史淵源十分有趣。大約西元1800 年時,法國士官巴比爾創造了點字系統,讓士兵即使在暗夜裡也能讀取訊息。這是因為拿破崙希望軍隊能在行跡不敗露的前提下,於黑暗環境之中通訊。但是這種「夜書」系統過於複雜而難以上手,因此不得不遭到軍方拒用。


在布雷點字法裡,每個布雷點字「字母」(或稱點字格)均由一個至多可填滿六凸點的長方形所組成(並以各點為凸點與否做變化)。此六凸點長方形的排列方式為每列兩點,每行三點。左行凸點由上到下的編號分別為1、2、3,右行凸點由上到下的編號分別為4、5、6,共有64 種不同組合。布雷點字法亦因應不同語言而有所調整。舉例而言,希臘文點字法就與中文點字法不盡相同。

視障者同樣能透過布雷點字法來書寫文字。多數視障者使用一種特殊的「柏金斯點字機」(Perkins Brailler),此打字機能將布雷點字打在紙張上。現在市面上也有配備布雷點字符號的電腦鍵盤。


羅賓漢 Robin Hood【Grade 3經典文學讀本】二版



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