Four Friends, a Magical Pair of Pants, and a Very Special Summer 牛仔褲的夏天:四位女孩共譜動人夏日樂章

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2019/08/27 第417期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Four Friends, a Magical Pair of Pants, and a Very Special Summer 牛仔褲的夏天:四位女孩共譜動人夏日樂章
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was an important young adult novel to countless young women.


  The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is a novel by Ann Brashares about four best friends: Lena, Tibby, Bridget, and Carmen. The friends spend the summer before their junior year of high school apart, but before they leave they go shopping and find a pair of old jeans. Even though each girl has a very different body type, the jeans fit each of them perfectly.
  The girls decide to share the “magic” pants throughout the summer, passing them along by mail along with updates and messages of support and love. The pants become a symbol of the girls’ special connection and sisterhood. The jeans also help them keep in touch and offer them a way to rely on one another as they each go on their separate adventures.
  The book is the first in a series of five books. The novels—as well as the well-received 2005 movie adaptation of the first book—offer important lessons for young women. In the book and its sequels, the girls deal with common coming-of-age challenges such as love, friendship, loss, and becoming an adult.


1. apart adv. 相隔地;分開地
The couple swear that they will never spend the rest of their lives apart.

2. perfectly adv. 完美地;完全/十足地
Grace was very pleased with the meal because her steak was perfectly cooked.

3. message n. 訊息;消息;口信
Rebecca is not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

4. symbol n. 象徵;標誌
Roses are a symbol of love in western cultures.

5. keep in touch  保持聯繫/聯絡
= stay in touch
Randall keeps in touch with his clients by email.
Wesley tried to stay in touch with his high school best friends, but they lost touch in the end.
* lose touch  失聯;不再聯絡

6. rely on...  倚靠……;信任……
Andy and Jessica can always rely on each other when they are faced with difficulties.
* be faced with...  面臨/對……

7. well-received a. 備受好評的
The writer’s new book has been well-received by readers.

8. challenge n. 挑戰
This new task is no easy challenge for Edward to handle.

sisterhood n. 姊妹情誼
update n. 最新消息;(軟體、設備的)更新
adaptation n. 改編(本);適應

本文中的形容詞 coming-of-age 表「成年的;與成年主題相關的」,源自動詞片語 come of age 表「成年;到達法定年齡」。所謂的成年禮即為 coming-of-age ceremony。例:
Marcy’s son will come of age by the end of next year.
Coming-of-age ceremonies are taken very seriously in many cultures.

  本書為一系列五本書籍的第一本。這些小說,連同於 2005 年上映、由第一本書改編且廣受好評的電影,都替年輕女性們上了重要的幾門課。在本書及其續集中,這些女孩得應付即將成年時常見的挑戰,像是愛情、友誼、失落以及進入成年。

常春藤 31 歲囉 給你不只 3+1


常春藤 31 歲囉∼給你好康不只 3+1
1 單本79折,任三本以上75折
2 滿額800即贈「精選典藏雜誌特輯-冒險特輯
3 滿額現折,買越多折越多!
眾多好處等你發現 趕快行動吧!


每天花 30 分鐘享受與孩子的親密時光,
沒有 3C 廣告干擾,幫孩子找回學習語言的專注力

歡慶31週年慶 你好!新鮮人!把心保鮮起來,學習永無止境。訂閱半年就送「小清新保溫防水便當袋」,訂一年則送「法國特福Tefal 保鮮三明治盒


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