AI植入大腦是美夢還是惡夢?Elon Musk的未來AI藍圖 Elon Musk's 'brain chip' could be suicide of the mind, says scientist 自從馬斯克發表「人腦共生」的新發明後,又再次激起各界對AI的討論。眾人普遍同意現在以醫療方面考量,馬斯克的發明的確對人類有所助益,但若未來到了要兩者擇一的時候,我們能夠在不依賴AI的狀況下做選擇嗎? Elon Musk introduced a room of engineers and curious consumers to a sci-fi-sounding invention made by his neurotechnology startup Neuralink: an implantable "brain chip" that will "merge biological intelligence with machine intelligence." Per Musk's description, this chip will be installed in a person's brain by drilling a two-millimeter hole in the skull. - Musk argued that such devices will help humans deal with the so-called AI apocalypse, a scenario in which artificial intelligence outpaces human intelligence and takes control of the planet away from the human species. - In an op-ed for The Financial Times, cognitive psychologist and philosopher Susan Schneider said merging human brains with AI would be "suicide for the human mind." - Once technology is advanced enough for us to choose how much of the human brain we want to be merged with AI, it will be hard to draw the line on how much is too much. "Would it be at 15% neural replacement? At 75%? Any choice seems arbitrary," Schneider wrote. 完整原文:Observer 閱讀時間:3min 關鍵單字 implantable 可植入的 動詞形式為implant (移植),名詞形式則為implantation。 (as) per ... description 根據...的描述 原文中省略了as ,as per為「根據」(in accordance with)的意思,最常見的用法為as per instructions(依照說明)。 AI apocalypse 人工智慧啟示錄 由作家William Hertling寫的科幻小說,小說最有名的是一項假設,名為AI Takeover (人工智慧叛變),就是幻想未來AI將超越人類,並奪走人類社會的主控權,改由超級AI徹底取代人類的主導地位。 編輯/ 英語島編輯室 本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年9月號 訂閱雜誌 |