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2019/09/27 第480期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 各種住房方案怎麼說
【英語學習Plus】 讀唇術
【本月發燒書】 新制New TOEIC聽力閱讀超高分:最新多益改版黃金試題2000題 【聽力+閱讀 雙書版】
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《彩圖實境旅遊英語【彩圖三版】》


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────── 節錄寂天講堂 「各種住房方案怎麼說」

讀唇術 Lip-Reading

Lip-reading—the technique of understanding speech by interpreting the lip movements of a speaker—is a tool primarily used by deaf people to understand those who do not know sign language. By analyzing the movements, shape, and position of the lips, mouth, and tongue, deaf people are able to deduce which units of sound are being produced and thereby reconstruct each word.

In fact, those of us who do not suffer from impaired hearing also use lip-reading, albeit unconsciously. When we speak to someone, we use facial clues as well as the shape of someone's mouth to aid comprehension, particularly in environments with loud background noise.

One of the biggest drawbacks to relying solely on visual cues for lip-reading is that many sound units, or phonemes, are created by very similar lip movements. In reality, only about 30% of sounds in English can be definitely distinguished by sight alone. This is why understanding the context of a conversation is often vital to effective lip-reading. The words "meat," "beat," and "peat," for example, all have the same visual cue; however, if encountered in the sentence "The Chicago Bulls [blank] the Knicks last night," only one of these three words is possible.

Needless to say, for people who were born deaf, learning to lip-read is a far bigger challenge than it is for those who are already familiar with these sounds. That being said, lip-reading is still not an easy skill to learn, and even when mastered, its effectiveness can be compromised by something as small as a mustache or a shadow.

If you're interested in learning to lip-read, here are some tips to get you started: Practice focusing on other people's lips while they're talking; watching the news is especially good for this as anchormen and anchorwomen tend to speak more clearly than normal people. When you start to feel comfortable with this, watch a favorite movie or TV episode with the sound on mute. Try to follow the dialogue just by lip-reading. If the movie has subtitles, you can turn them on to give you a hand if you get stuck!



然而,光靠讀唇取得視覺線索仍有一大缺點,就是許多音的發音唇型非常接近。事實上,只有30% 左右的英文發音能夠僅靠視覺清楚辨識。正因如此,有效的讀唇極度仰賴對話的前後脈絡。舉例來說,meat、beat、peat 這三個字從視覺上看起來是一樣的,不過如果套用在「The Chicago Bulls _______ the Knicks last night.」(昨晚,芝加哥公牛隊 _______ 尼克隊。)就只有一個字符合條件。



新制New TOEIC聽力閱讀超高分:最新多益改版黃金試題2000題 【聽力+閱讀 雙書版】 (16K+MP3)


英文商務書信範例&應用 【彩圖三版】 (16K)

美國之音新聞英語聽力訓練【二版】(25K彩色 + 1MP3)

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