Hannah’s No-Buy Year 一起來挑戰一年不買東西!

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9999/12/31 第419期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Hannah’s No-Buy Year 一起來挑戰一年不買東西!
Learn how one woman finally beat her debt cycle.


  Hannah Louise Poston had a shopping problem and she knew it. She decided to do something about it: for a whole year, she wouldn’t buy anything beyond her day-to-day needs. She called it a “no-buy year” and recorded her challenge on YouTube.
  Before setting this challenge, Poston would spend her afternoons shopping in Sephora for beauty products, even if she didn’t need anything. Whenever she had to pay off her credit card, she would panic. During her no-buy year, she learned a lot about herself and gained a small following on her YouTube channel. Poston realized that she used her shopping habit as a way to avoid dealing with certain things in her life. By setting out on a no-buy year, she was able to start fixing her habits and control her drive to shop.
  People often find themselves buying more and more stuff. Shopping for stuff fills up our closets, takes up our time, and leaves our wallets empty. If you find yourself with these problems, try a no-buy year, or just a month. You might be surprised by the difference it can make.

1. beyond prep. 超出
The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class.
2. panic vi. 驚慌失措(三態為:panic, panicked, panicked)
Many people panicked when the 921 earthquake struck.
921 地震發生時,很多人都驚慌失措。
3. habit n. 習慣
kick / break the habit of V-ing  戒除……的習慣
Allison is trying to kick the habit of going to bed late.
4. drive n. 慾望;幹勁(不可數)
This company welcomes young people full of drive.
5. find oneself V-ing  不知不覺就……
When Eliot was taking a shower, he found himself humming a tune.
6. fill up... / fill...up  充滿/填滿……
Please fill up the box with any old clothes that you no longer want.
7. take up...  佔(時間、空間)
The project took up most of our time.
8. leave + 受詞 + 形容詞/分詞(作受詞補語)  使……成某狀態
The flood caused many deaths and left many people homeless.


我們常說「某偶像明星有大批粉絲」要怎麼說呢?可以用 have a large / small following 表「擁有大批/少量追隨者」,following 為名詞表「追隨者,擁護者」。例:
The rock band has a large following all over the world.
The caf? attracts a small but loyal following of customers that come not only to drink coffee, but also to relax.

  在定下這項挑戰前,波絲頓過去會花整個下午在絲芙蘭(編按:此為美國一家連鎖化妝品店)血拚美妝用品,即使她根本不需要任何東西。每當她要付信用卡卡費時,她都會很惶恐。在一年不買東西的期間,她更了解自己許多方面,並在個人 YouTube 頻道上擁有一小批粉絲。波絲頓領悟到她過去把血拼習慣來當作逃避處理人生某些事的方式。藉由一年不買東西,她能開始改善血拼習慣控制其購物慾。

常春藤 31 歲囉 給你不只 3+1

TOEIC Bridge 多益普及測驗當作暖身吧!



歡慶31週年慶 你好!新鮮人!把心保鮮起來,學習永無止境。訂閱半年就送「小清新保溫防水便當袋」,訂一年則送「法國特福Tefal 保鮮三明治盒

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