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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2019/11/25第324期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� 擳��格絲�餃���嚗��唬����啁��
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� 銝�閬�擃���敺�憭芣�� 嚗��交��憒���蝞��扎��
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� �亥�+�梯�
Reducing Pollution with Fish Skin and Algae

Pollution from plastic bags and packaging is causing huge problems around the world. Originally, people started using plastic because it is strong and lasts a long time. Now, because of those qualities, plastics are polluting our oceans and killing sea life. This has left us searching for a replacement.
Lucy Hughes, a product design student in the United Kingdom, has come up with one: a material made from fish skin and algae. Hughes has named the material Marinatex. Made from sea waste, the clear material is environmentally responsible. Unlike plastic, it is easily disposed of and will fully biodegrade in less than a month.
On average, most plastic products are only used for 12 minutes before being thrown away. But plastic can take up to 1,000 years to break down. That��s why Hughes says it makes no sense to use plastic. She hopes Marinatex can replace plastics used in packaging and food boxes and help solve the growing problem of plastic pollution worldwide.



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Don��t count your chickens before they hatch.
���亥店摮��X�����胯���刻�����芸音����嚗�銝�閬�閮�蝞���憭�撠��餃�������嚗��其�����鈭����芸�隢���銝�閬�憭芣�拇��憒���蝞��扎�����砍�乩漲�舐葬撖急��Don��t count your chickens.嚗����刻�勗��冽�銝苑efore they hatch���刻◤��嚗�撖思�before they are hatched.��

�� Don��t expect all of your hopes to come true.
�� Don��t get your hopes up.

A: Dad, can I use the car on Friday?
B: You haven��t even taken your driving test yet. Isn��t it on Thursday?
A: Yeah, but it should be easy to pass.
B: I wouldn��t be so sure if I were you. Don��t count your chickens before they hatch.

2019/11/25 (銝�)

However, each park has its own unique personality.

2019/11/26 (鈭�)

Over the years, the magic of Disneyland has brought joy to people of all ages.

2019/11/27 (銝�)

Pollution from plastic bags and packaging is causing huge problems around the world.

2019/11/28 (��)

According to a 2011 brain-imaging study, social rejection creates activity in the same area of the brain that physical pain does.

2019/11/29 (鈭�)

When faced with rejection, don't respond with bitterness or anger.

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