The Time Traveler’s Wife 虐心的時空愛戀

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2019/11/05 第426期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Time Traveler’s Wife
This story is a magical tale about the endless power of love.


  The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger is an unforgettable book about love, loss, and time travel. The book’s main characters are Henry DeTamble and Clare Abshire. The book begins with a confusing situation. They see each other at the library when Clare is 20 years old and Henry is 28. Although Henry doesn’t know Clare, she had met him before when she was six. That’s because Henry has a strange genetic disorder that forces him to travel backwards and forwards through time. He has no control over when he leaves or the places he travels to. Throughout the story, Henry meets his wife at different ages and stages of their lives.
  This is not the first book to deal with romance and time travel. However, it does offer a new view on the subject. Niffenegger created the book as a way to express her feelings about the failed relationships in her life. She uses time travel to show how emotional and physical distance can make communication difficult. The idea of time travel also represents how partners can feel as if they are in different places in their relationship.


1. unforgettable a. 難忘的
I had an unforgettable first date with Bradley.
2. confusing a. 令人困惑的
The information in the manual is too confusing for me to understand.
* manual [ `mAnyUJl ] n. 使用手冊;說明書
3. backwards and forwards  來來回回
The kid drew the lines backwards and forwards on the paper.
4. have no control over / of...  對……無法掌握
have control over...  (能)掌控/控制……
You have no control over what will happen.
Although the class was noisy, the teacher still had control over the situation.
5. romance n. 愛情,戀愛
The couple wanted to keep their romance secret from their parents.
6. express vt. 表達,表現
Sarah expressed herself quite well at the speech competition.
7. emotional a. 情感/情緒(上)的
Chuck suffers from emotional problems and cannot control his anger.
8. represent vt. 象徵;代表
= stand for...
A red flag represents a warning or danger.

genetic a. 基因的,遺傳性的
disorder n. 疾病,失調
▼ physical a. 身體的,肉體的

疑問詞(when、where、how、why、what、which 等)引導的疑問句可轉換成名詞子句,在主要子句中作主詞、受詞或置於 be 動詞後作主詞補語。
1. 問句有 be 動詞時:
主詞與 be 動詞還原,前面保留疑問詞。
Where is Barbara?(芭芭拉在哪裡?)
→ where Barbara is(芭芭拉在哪裡)
2. 問句有一般助動詞(如 will、can、may 等)時:
When will you leave?(你何時離開?)
→ when you will leave(你何時離開)
3. 問句有 do、does、did 等助動詞時:
此類疑問句變成名詞子句時,先保留句首的疑問詞,再將 do、does 或 did 去掉,其後的原形動詞則按主詞人稱及時態作變化。
Where does Nick live?(尼克住在哪裡?)
→ where Nick lives(尼克住在哪裡)
What did you buy?(你買了什麼?)
→ what you bought(你買了什麼)
4. 在疑問句中,若疑問代名詞 who、what、which 作主詞,則疑問句變成名詞子句時,句子結構不變。
Who will go?(誰會去?)
→ who will go(誰會去)
What happened?(發生了什麼事?)
→ what happened(發生了什麼事)



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