Barbie's Big Makeover  擁抱多元 回歸真實之美

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2016/08/30 第278期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Barbie's Big Makeover  擁抱多元 回歸真實之美
by Ivy Liu

Barbie dolls finally have body shapes that exist in reality.

  Criticized for years for distorting young children's image of beauty, Mattel finally gave Barbie a total makeover. In January 2016, it _(1)_ three realistic body types: petite, curvy, and tall. It also created a new _(2)_ of dolls with seven different skin tones to reflect the diversity of children who play with the dolls. They'll even have 24 new hairstyles, like curly red, afro, or blue hair.
  Many thought it was _(3)_ time for the company to make moves. The original Barbie has such unrealistic _(4)_ that if she were real, it would be impossible for her to walk or even live. After Lego overtook Mattel as the top-selling toy brand and Frozen's Elsa doll took the top-selling spot from Barbie in 2014, Mattel spent two years under the codename "Project Dawn" to revamp Barbie's _(5)_ shape. With the diversity of the new dolls, the company hopes to rekindle the interests of more socially conscious "millennial moms."
  We live in a world _(6)_ advertisements, magazines, and more that have been touched up surround us, providing unrealistic standards of beauty. Research has shown that children are _(7)_ by the wrong images around them, which can harm their self-image and worth for years afterwards. In July 2015, a study discovered that children as young as eight in the UK were dissatisfied with their bodies and 40% of adolescent girls _(8)_ dieted. While many say that this change has come too late, several charities that promote body confidence and assist _(9)_ struggling with eating disorders have welcomed these new dolls.
  Liam Preston, spokesman for the YMCA's Be Real campaign, said, "It's so important that young people _(10)_ diversity and feel happy with who they are, and the dolls could really help that."

(A) high (B) affected (C) regularly (D) unveiled (E) where
(F) proportions (G) embrace (H) classic (I) those (J) range

  1. In January 2016, it unveiled three realistic body types: petite, curvy, and tall.
    2016 年一月,它展示了三種真實的身材:嬌小、曲線和高大。
    a. 空格前有代名詞 it(它),空格後有名詞詞組 three realistic body types(三種真實的身材),得知空格應置單數及物動詞或過去式及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (B) affected(影響)及 (D) unveiled(展示),惟根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
    c. unveil vt. 展示;揭幕
    The artist will unveil his newest paintings next month.
  2. It also created a new range of dolls with seven different skin tones to reflect the diversity of children who play with the dolls.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    a range of...  一系列的……
    The restaurant offers a range of authentic Spanish dishes.
    *authentic a. 正宗的;真跡的
    b. 根據上述用法,(J) 項應為正選。
  3. Many thought it was high time for the company to make moves.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    it is (high / about) time for sb to V  該是某人……的時候了
    It is high time for our children to receive some education.
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  4. The original Barbie has such unrealistic proportions that if she were real, it would be impossible for her to walk or even live.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 unrealistic(失真的),得知空格應置名詞或代名詞以被 unrealistic 修飾。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (F) proportions(比例)、 (H) classic(經典著作)及 (I) those(那些),惟根據語意,(F) 項應為正選。
    c. proportion n. 比例
    衍: in proportion to...  與……成比例
    This chart shows how weight increases in proportion to height.
  5. ..., Mattel spent two years under the codename "Project Dawn" to revamp Barbie's classic shape.
    a. 空格前有所有格 Barbie's(芭比的),空格後有名詞 shape(外形),得知空格應置形容詞以修飾 shape。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的僅剩 (H) classic(經典的),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. classic a. 經典的;典型的
    Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is considered a classic novel.
  6. We live in a world where advertisements, magazines, and more that have been touched up surround us, providing unrealistic standards of beauty.
    a. 空格前有表地方的先行詞 a world(世界),空格後有一子句,得知空格應置關係副詞 where(= in which)以引導該形容詞子句。
    This is the house where I once lived.
    b. 根據上述用法,(E) 項應為正選。
  7. Research has shown that children are affected by the wrong images around them, which can harm their self-image and worth for years afterwards.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    be affected by...  被……所影響/侵襲
    The audience in the movie theater were affected by the lack of air-conditioning.
    b. 根據上述用法,(B) 項應為正選。
  8. In July 2015, a study discovered that children as young as eight in the UK were dissatisfied with their bodies and 40% of adolescent girls regularly dieted.
    2015 年七月,一項研究發現英國年僅八歲的孩童對他們的身體不甚滿意,且 40% 的少女經常節食。
    a. 空格前有名詞詞組 adolescent girls(少女),空格後有不及物動詞 dieted(節食),得知空格應置副詞以修飾 dieted。
    b. 選項中為副詞的僅有 (C) regularly(經常地),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. regularly adv. 經常地;規律地
    You should have your teeth checked regularly.
  9. While many say that this change has come too late, several charities that promote body confidence and assist those struggling with eating disorders have welcomed these new dolls.
    a. 空格前有及物動詞 assist(協助),空格後有現在分詞 struggling(對抗)形成的形容詞片語,得知空格應置名詞或代名詞以作 assist 的受詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (I) those(那些),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    本句實等於:"... and assist those who are struggling with eating disorders...
    c. those pron. 那些
    Those who are going camping please gather at the gate.
  10. ... "It's so important that young people embrace diversity and feel happy with who they are, and the dolls could really help that."
    a. 空格前有名詞詞組 young people(年輕人),空格後亦有名詞 diversity(多樣性),得知空格應置及物動詞。
    b. 選項中為及物動詞的僅剩 (G) embrace(擁抱),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. embrace vt. 擁抱;欣然接受
    Many people have embraced bike riding as a way to reduce air pollution.
  1. touch up...  修改……;潤色……
    I'm going to touch up those scratches with a bit of paint.
    *scratch n. 裂縫;刮痕,抓痕
  2. be dissatisfied with...  對……不滿意
    反: be satisfied with...  對……滿意
    The teacher was dissatisfied with my report, so he asked me to write it all over again.
    A person who is satisfied with what he or she has is usually the happiest.
  3. struggle with...  與??搏鬥
    衍: struggle to V  努力/掙扎(做)??
    The character in the movie struggles with his good and bad sides.
    Kathy struggled to remove the gum stuck on the bottom of her shoe.
    *gum n. 口香糖(不可數)

distort vt. 扭曲
petite a. 嬌小的
curvy a. 有曲線的;弧形的
skin tone  膚色
afro n. 圓形的爆炸頭
top-selling a. 暢銷的
同: best-selling a.
codename n. 代號
revamp vt. 改造,革新
rekindle vt. 重燃
millennial a. 千禧年的 & n. 泛指千禧世代間出生的人
self-image n. 自我形象
adolescent a. 青少年/女的
spokesman n. 男發言人
衍: spokeswoman n. 女發言人
spokesperson n.(男/女)發言人

  1. makeover n.(改頭換面的)裝扮,改造
    Marsha was transformed into a great beauty after a three-hour makeover.
  2. criticize vt. 批評
    Reviewers have criticized this movie for having too much violence.
  3. realistic a. 實際的,務實的
    反: unrealistic a. 不切實際的
    Joseph needs to be realistic about the fact that he has no chance of dating Jessica.
    It is unrealistic to expect everything to get better at once.
  4. reflect vt. 反映
    David's behavior reflects the changing attitudes of today's young people.
  5. diversity n. 多樣性
    衍: diverse a. 各種各樣的;不同的
    The university campus has a wide diversity of students from all parts of the globe.
    The city's diverse population makes life colorful.
  6. original a. 原先的,最初的
    衍: origin n. 起源
    The original plan was replaced with a much more effective one.
    I am currently researching the origins of jazz music.
  7. overtake vt. 超越,趕上(三態為:overtake, overtook, overtaken。)
    Judy overtook the lead runner in the last lap to win the race.
    *lap n.(競技場)一圈;大腿
  8. conscious a. 有意識的,關注的
    People nowadays are more environmentally conscious than before.
  9. discover vt. 發現
    衍: discovery n. 發現
    The artifacts that were recently discovered here date back thousands of years.
    The discovery of this new cancer drug is significant for treatment.
  10. promote vt. 促進,提倡
    That company is trying to promote a new kind of coffee.
  11. assist vt. 幫助,協助
    衍: assist / aid sb in...  在……方面協助某人
    My father assisted me in putting the bookcase together.
  12. campaign n.(為達某種目標的)運動,活動
    衍: launch a campaign  發起活動
    The groups are going to launch a campaign against corruption.
    *corruption n. 貪污,腐敗

擁抱多元 回歸真實之美

  美泰兒多年來一直因為扭曲年輕兒童對美的印象而遭詬病,該公司終於完全改造了芭比。2016 年一月,它展示了三種真實的身材:嬌小、曲線和高大。它也創造出一系列新的芭比,擁有七種不同膚色以反映玩芭比娃娃孩童的多樣性。她們甚至將擁有二十四種新髮型,像是紅色捲髮、爆炸頭或藍髮。
  許多人都認為這正是該公司採取行動的時候了。原本的芭比擁有的比例實在太失真,因此她若是真正存在,她將無法行走,或甚至無法存活。在樂高取代美泰兒成為玩具品牌暢銷冠軍、以及《冰雪奇緣》的艾莎於 2014 年從芭比手中奪下暢銷冠軍寶座後,美泰兒花了兩年的時間以代號『破曉計劃』之名來改造芭比的經典外形。憑藉著新芭比的多樣性,該公司期望能讓比較有社會意識的『千禧媽媽們』重新對芭比感到興趣。
  我們生活在一個身邊廣告、雜誌與其他更多東西都被修改過的世界,提供了不切實際美的標準。研究顯示,孩童會受到周圍錯誤印象的影響,這在之後幾年可能會損害他們的自我形象與自我價值。2015 年七月,一項研究發現英國年僅八歲的孩童對他們的身體不甚滿意,且 40% 的少女經常節食。儘管許多人說這個改變來得太晚,數個提倡身體自信與協助對抗飲食失調的慈善組織都很歡迎這些新的娃娃。
  YMCA『Be Real 活動』的發言人連恩•布林斯特表示:『年輕人擁抱多樣性並對真正的自己感到滿意是很重要的,而且這些娃娃在這一方面真的有幫助。』

答案: 1. D 2. J 3. A 4. F 5. H 6. E 7. B 8. C 9. I 10. G

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