Going without Cars  環保護地球•世界無車日

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2016/09/27 第267期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Going without Cars  環保護地球•世界無車日
Going without a car for a day can be as easy as going for a walk in the park.

  On September 3, 2015, Beijing had a huge parade. There were 12,000 troops, hundreds of fighter jets, and dozens of military formations. Millions came out to check it out. Before the parade, Beijing didn't allow half of the cars to be on the roads for two weeks. During that time, the skies that were usually full of smog became deep blue. After the parade, the cars were let back on the roads, and the smog returned.
  This is just a small example of what removing cars can do. World Car Free Day is on September 22. On this day, people are encouraged to travel by bicycle, use mass transportation, or walk to any place they need to go to. Once they do this for one day, they realize that it’s not so bad. Then, maybe some people will make every day a car-free day. Once more people do it, pollution will go down, and the world will be better.
  In Taiwan, public transportation systems are some of the safest, fastest, and best in the world. The more people use them, the more they will help the environment and everyone.


  2015 年九月三日在北京有一場大型閱兵典禮。有一萬兩千個軍人、上百架戰鬥機以及數十個軍隊編組參與其中。數百萬位人前來觀看典禮。北京當局從閱兵典禮前兩個禮拜起便不讓半數以上的車輛開進當地。在那段期間裡,通常充滿煙霧的天空變成了深藍色。在閱兵典禮後車輛又重新恢復通行,而煙霧也隨之再度出現。

  1. parade n. 遊行
    It is a pity that you didn't get here in time to see the parade.
  2. military a.& n. 軍隊(的)
    After finishing his military service, Carl went job hunting.
    The military is here to protect us from being attacked by our enemies.
  3. allow vt. 允許
    The signs on the bus state that eating is not allowed.
  4. be full of...  充滿……
    Kelly was full of great joy when her daughter was born.
  5. travel vi. & vt. 旅行
    James has traveled around the world many times.
  6. realize vt. 明白;知道;認識到
    Jack broke up with his girlfriend because he realized they had nothing in common.
  7. pollution n. 污染
    Rita sent an e-mail to the city council to complain about air pollution.
  8. environment n. 環境,周圍狀況
    Paul rides a bicycle to work every day to keep fit and save the environment.

troop n. 軍隊;部隊(恆用複數)
formation n. 編隊,排列方式
smog n. 煙霧
transportation n. 交通運輸系統

本文 "Millions came out to check it out." 中的片語 check...out / check out... 表『(因為某人或物很吸引人而)瞧一瞧』。另一個意思相近的片語為 have / take a look at...,表 『瞧/看……』。例:

Check out the house. It looks very modern.

You should really take a look at how you are spending all your money.

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