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2016/09/26第250期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

簡介:◎ 銀髮宅小詞典 ◎「少子化」和「撫養比」的英語怎麼說? ◎ hyper- 當字首的應用

Smart Retirement Homes: A Cure for Taiwan's Ageing Problem?

Imagine a day like this in your future: as the rosy dawn light wakes you up, a motion sensor detects your movement and automatically lights up the room. You hold a customized handrail and step on the carpet that incorporates built-in safety technology. Everything in your life is safe, carefree, and convenient thanks to AI control. This is a smart retirement home, the future of elderly living care.

Smart retirement homes are specifically built for the elderly and include integrated management systems that provide a senior-friendly environment. Each living space is designed for seniors 50 or older, and must meet strict criteria such as safety and accessibility. It should also provide basic medical care and a quiet environment. Existing smart retirement homes offer recreational group activities and community services that improve the quality of living for the elderly.

Smart retirement homes could be one of the solutions to Taiwan's ageing society, as a rising elderly population continues to put a major strain on the government budget. Like other countries that are in a similar predicament, Taiwan has a low birthrate, low sub-replacement fertility rate, and a shrinking number of available workers. Taiwan has an elderly population that comprises at least 7 percent of the total population; it is on track to becoming a "hyper-ageing" society, in which the elderly are predicted to make up 20 percent of the population by 2025. Within 10 years, Taiwan will overtake Japan as the fastest-ageing nation in the world.


隨著攀升的高齡人口持續為政府的預算帶來龐大壓力,智慧型銀髮宅可能是台灣高齡化社會的解決方案之一。與其它處於類似困境的國家一樣,台灣有低生育率、少子化及可勞動人口減少的問題。台灣的老年人口占全部人口數至少 7%,正踏上「超高齡化」社會的路途。在 2025 年之前,老年人預計會占總人口的兩成。十年內,台灣則將超越日本,成為世界上人口老化速度最快的國家。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.153 9月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2016/09/26(一) We've had some tough negotiations, but I think we've finally reached an agreement.
2016/09/27(二) If you don't mind, though, we'd like to go over the contract details one more time before we proceed.
2016/09/28(三) How long will this agreement be valid?
2016/09/29(四) As you can see here, the contract states that this agreement is for one year.
2016/09/30(五) When the contract expires in one year, will it be possible to renew it?
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