蘋果要做現代IBM 進軍企業 

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2016/09/26 第205期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Apple Proves Again That It’s Turning Into a Modern-Day IBM
蘋果要做現代IBM 進軍企業 


回顧2014年 7 月,蘋果與 IBM 宣布合作(alliance)時,就可看出它打入商用市場的企圖心。兩家公司合作創造92% 的財富500大(Fortune 500)企業使用iPhone,還有建立超過百個企業專屬apps的佳績,財富雜誌更讚譽他們是極為成功的夥伴關係(blockbuster partnership)。
  蘋果在9月7日的發表會上,除了Apple Watch、iPhone 及AirPods 耳機新產品外,其iWork軟體更新後,終於趕上Google Docs和微軟Office的腳步,可以邀請其他使用者進行即時協作(Real-Time Collaboration)編輯。即使最近i7銷售長紅,但面臨全球智慧型手機需求成長速度趨緩,蘋果期待藉由深耕學校策略,打入企業市場再創高峰。

“Tim Cook and company announced that by this fall, they would provide technology for over 114 schools through its ConnectED program, donating all kinds of devices—Apple TVs, Macs and iPads—for use by 50,000 students across the US. And they launched a new school program called Everyone Can Code, which aims to help students learn (1) the art of computer programming—through Apple’s own Swift programming language.” --<WIRED雜誌>  

WIRED雜誌報導,庫克與蘋果表示,今年秋季之前,他們會透過ConnectED方案提供技術給逾114所學校,並捐贈各種設備-Apple TVs, Macs 以及 iPads給美國5萬多名學生。還有利用蘋果的Swift程式語言學習軟體,啟動新的學校計劃Everyone Can Code(每人都會程式設計),協助學生認識計算機程式設計。

"In other words, Apple is behaving a lot like Google. It sees the enterprise as an enormous growth opportunity, and one important way into the enterprise is through schools. For one thing, there are lots of schools, and so many of them need new tech, after using stuff from Microsoft and IBM for far too long. Plus, if kids start using Apple technology in school, they’ll grow up and want to use it at work too. Oh, and the education thing makes for nice PR. ‘We’ve always believed that education is a great (2) equalizer, and that our products could always have a tremendous positive impact on teachers and students,’ Cook said. ‘But we are also deeply aware that not every student can feel this impact.’”


“Yes, Apple has partnered with IBM, the enterprise company it once (3) gave the finger to. But this is only natural. Apple needs new (4) avenues of growth as it faces slowing demand for smartphones globally, not to mention a cooling demand for the iPhone from China. And the enterprise can provide that growth. In the modern age, the line between consumer and enterprise is fading. The same tech applies in both places. Just as Google knows this, Apple does too. And it’s seizing on the idea. After all, there’s money in it.”




1. the art of computer programming 簡稱為TAOCP 計算機程式設計
2. equalizer 平衡器,這裡指教育可以縮減貧富差距,給予每人平等機會。在運動中,指的是扳成平手進球。
 He scored the equalizer at the last minute. 他在最後一刻追平得分.
3. gave the finger 對它人比中指以表達憤怒的行為。Give someone the finger.
4. avenues 街道,方式(way)explore/pursue/try an avenue.
We have explored every possible avenue to find funding. 我們已用盡各種方法來籌措資金。


  1. Teacher, how did Helen behave today at school? 老師,今天海倫在學校守規矩嗎?
  2. How do you think of Montessori education? 您覺得蒙特梭利教學法怎麼樣?
  3. My son loves reading. Would you recommend some short novels that suit him? 我兒子很喜歡閱讀,可以推薦一些適合他的短篇小說嗎?
  4. Children are difficult to learn English. 對孩子來說,學英文是困難的。
  5. I can’t believe that this picture was painted by a three years old kid! 我無法相信這幅畫是一個三歲小孩畫的!


  1. Sir/Ma’am, how did Helen behave today at school? 英文裡稱呼男老師時會用sir、女老師則是madam或ma’am,不然就是稱呼某先生或某小姐,如Mr. Chen、Miss Wang…等等。
  2. What do you think of Montessori education? 受到中文「怎麼樣」的字眼影響,我們容易誤用how作開頭。事實上要問對方有何想法,應該以what作為think的受詞(不過,後面若有feel這個動詞,便可以用how,例:How do you feel about Montessori education?
  3. My son loves reading. Would you recommend some short stories that suit him? novel一字往往指的是長篇小說,若要表示短篇小說,應該用short stories才正確。
  4. It is difficult for children to learn English. 困難的是「英文」而不是「孩子」,因此主詞不該用children,而該改為English,另再以it作為假主語,代替English。
  5. I can’t believe that this picture was painted by a three-year-old kid! 「他三歲大」的英文是:He is three years old.,但「三歲」拿來當作形容詞時,應加入hyphen(連字號),且year用單數形式,變成three-year-old。

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