We Don't Trust Scientists to Make Us Better/操控基因、植入晶片... 用科學「改良」人類好嗎?

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2016/09/02 第138期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 We Don't Trust Scientists to Make Us Better/操控基因、植入晶片... 用科學「改良」人類好嗎?
Wind Farms Lift Fortunes in Mexico, but Unevenly/墨西哥風電帶來繁榮 但不是人人有分
We Don't Trust Scientists to Make Us Better/操控基因、植入晶片... 用科學「改良」人類好嗎?
文/Gina Kolata

Americans aren't very enthusiastic about using science to enhance the human species. Instead, many find it rather creepy.

A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows a profound distrust of scientists, a suspicion about claims of progress and a real discomfort with the idea of meddling with human abilities. The survey also opens a window into the public's views on what it means to be a human being and what values are important.



Pew asked about three techniques that might emerge in the future but that are not even close to ready now: using gene editing to protect babies from disease, implanting chips in the brain to improve people's ability to think, and transfusing synthetic blood that would enhance performance by increasing speed, strength and endurance.

The public was unenthusiastic on all counts, even about protecting babies from disease. Most, at least seven out of 10, thought scientists would rush to offer each of the technologies before they had adequately tested or even understood them.



Two-thirds say they would not want the enhancement technologies for themselves. And even though genetic manipulations appear more frightening than a chip or artificial blood, which might be removed, the public finds it slightly more acceptable to change a baby's genes than to enhance human abilities.

Religiosity affected attitudes on these issues. The more religious people said they were, the less likely they were to want genetic alterations of babies or technologies to enhance adults. The differences were especially pronounced between evangelical Protestants and people who said they were atheists or agnostics.



For example, 63 percent of evangelical Protestants said gene editing to protect babies from serious diseases was meddling with nature. In contrast, 81 percent of atheists and 80 percent of agnostics said it was not fundamentally different from other ways humans have tried to better themselves.

Cary Funk, an associate director at Pew and lead researcher for the survey, said she was surprised by the extent of the public's worries. "These are appealing ideas: being healthier, improved minds, improved bodies," she said. And she was surprised that the public seemed nearly equally worried about all three of the technologies. After all, she said, "these are three different kinds of technologies, for different purposes."

The survey queried a nationally representative sample of 4,700 adults, supplemented by discussions with six focus groups.




說文解字看新聞 文/田思怡

用科學來改變人類,總有倫理道德上的顧慮(ethics concerns),例如複製人(human cloning)或生化人(cyborg),生化人也稱為改造人。

本文提到三種強化人類的方法,類似生化人的概念,包括基因編輯(gene editing)、植入晶片(chip implant)和人造血(synthetic blood或artificial blood)。

雖然這三種科技都還沒實現,但已令人害怕,從皮尤的民調可以證實。有宗教信仰的人(religious people)更不能接受用科技來強化人類(using technologies to enhance human abilities),認為是干涉自然(meddling with nature)。meddle這個字有管閒事的意思,meddle with有胡搞的意思。

最近俄國的禁藥醜聞(doping scandal)已使俄國田徑選手被禁止參加里約奧運,服用增強體能的藥物都被禁賽,若如文中提到的,輸入人造血來增強體能(transfusing synthetic blood to enhance performance),那麼人類就不必舉辦奧運了。

Wind Farms Lift Fortunes in Mexico, but Unevenly/墨西哥風電帶來繁榮 但不是人人有分

At night, Juan Pineda Lopez hears the hum of a wind turbine that churns 300 yards away from his adobe house. Sometimes he catches the stench of lubricant that spews down the turbine's mast.

Beyond that, Pineda said, the forest of turbines that has sprung up on the plains here in the southern state of Oaxaca in recent years barely affects him.

And that is the problem.

Eight years after Mexico embraced the fight against climate change, setting off a wind rush in Oaxaca's Isthmus of Tehuantepec, people in poor, indigenous communities are divided over the benefits of the green revolution.

Some are even turning away wind projects. More than 1,000 residents of Juchitan de Zaragoza, a mainly indigenous Zapotec city about 20 miles from Lopez's home in La Ventosa, have blocked plans to build one of Latin America's biggest wind farms close to the city.

The case underscores the need to balance the scramble for clean energy with the concerns of those whose lands produce it, said Beatriz Olivera, an engineer who for several years led the climate change campaign for Greenpeace Mexico.

She added, "We want wind energy, but not at any price."

In La Ventosa, a quiet town of 4,000 residents and winds so powerful at times they can blow over a truck, the energy boom has left its imprint. More than a dozen small construction companies that build infrastructure for the wind farms have sprung up in the past eight years. On many streets, smart two-story houses mingle with scruffier dwellings.

Iberdrola, the Spanish energy company that owns the wind farm behind Pineda's house, has paved roads and built drains, part of social projects in the region that have cost more than $1 million, a company spokesman said.

Cosme Vera, a farmer who rents 100 acres to Iberdrola for $2,900 a month, has renovated his farmhouse and bought air conditioners for the bedrooms. Vera, 69, said his annual rent from Iberdrola was four times as much as what he makes from growing sorghum.

"My job now is to go to the bank once a month and pick up the money," he said.

Not everyone has prospered, though. Wind farms create a burst of employment during construction, but much less after that, experts and residents said.














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