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2017/08/18 第372期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 極端天氣型態
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【好康情報局】 【夏日樂讀節】精選好書單本79折!《FUN學系列》二版套書重新登場!
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A: Are you happy that you're moving to New York?
B: Fifty-fifty. I'm happy that I'll be moving to a new city but I'm sad to be leaving all my friends.

A: 要搬去紐約了,你開心嗎?
B: 一半一半,很高興要搬去新城市,可是也很難過要離開我的朋友們。

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極端天氣型態 Extreme Weather Conditions

We usually experience normal weather conditions. But, sometimes the weather may become violent. In these cases, people experience extreme forms of weather. Extreme weather can be dangerous. There are many types of extreme weather. In winter, sometimes the snow falls so hard that it is impossible to see anything except for the color white. This is a blizzard. Blizzards can drop huge amounts of snow at one time. Tropical storms have high winds, heavy rain, thunder, and lightning. Hurricanes and typhoons are two types of these storms. Tornadoes are another kind of storm. These are twisters that have winds that blow extremely quickly. They can cause a lot of damage. Floods and droughts are other examples of natural hazards. Tropical storms and heavy monsoon rains often cause floods. Drought areas get no rain for a long time. The plants there die, and the soil blows away.

一般我們所經歷的是正常天氣情況,但有時天氣可能會變得非 常惡劣,這種情況下,人們所遭遇的是極端的天氣型態。


冬天時,有時候雪下得太大,導致視線不清,眼前只有白茫茫 的一片,這就是暴風雪。暴風雪會一次降下大量的雪。

熱帶風暴伴隨著強風、暴雨和雷電。颶風和颱風是其中兩種, 龍捲風則是另一種形式的暴風雨。龍捲風是一種風速極快的旋風,可能造成慘重的損害。

洪水和乾旱也是天災的一種。熱帶風暴和大量的季風雨常引發 洪水。乾旱地區則是很長一段時間不降雨,那裡的植物乾枯, 土壤也會受到風蝕。

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